Washington’s Repricans Do Not Get the Message

As Washingtonians know, this dry spell coincides with the decline in the quality of the Democratic candidates for most offices here.  Jim Miller

Mr. Miller does not get the message.  The Republican Party in this state, and nationally, continues to put up far right Conservatives that alienate the moderate American middle.  Here in Washington  there are few centrist Republicans left in this state despite  decades of GOP electoral failure .  To have a chance of winning a Republican primary, Rob McKenna has to clothe himself in the three cornered hats of the Tea Party and eat their meat … whether that is panicking over a non existent immigration problem or opposing much needed healthcare reforms.

Here in Washington State, Rob McKenna may win.  If he does not, the GOP should look at the twin albatrosses of  Ryanomics and Romney’s flipflops.

Until some moderate Republican points out Romney and his ilk are alike the Emperor with  no clothes, the Washington Republican party is doomed.  At the national level, we can hope that the GOP does not imitate its predecessors, the KNOW NOTHINGS of the 1850s, in pulling the rest of us down with them.

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