ROMNEYISMS: Who needs to wait for the debates? Send Mitt to the emergency room!

There he goes again!

 According to Mitt’s statements on 60 minutes, if we drop Obama care, poor people can always get what they need in the emergency room!

Who does Mitt think pays for ER care?

A major reason for the Affordable Health Care Act was to stop the practice of taxing all other forms of healthcare for the unpaid costs of ER visits by the uninsured.

Without insurance, uninsured people use the ER as if it were their family doctor. Where an office visit might cost $50 and prevent a stroke or heart attack, the ER visit is likely to cost thousands of dollars and ER doctors are much too busy to offer the preventative care needed.

The Obama campaign must-see Mitt as the gift that never stops giving!

I wonder what is been a happen now that Mitt has finally agreed to appear on The View?

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