Commentary by SMS: A healthcare idea for Romney from the British Conservatives

The conservative government of Great Britain has a very elegant answer to the US  high healthcare costs … they want us to outsource our healthcare to their socialized system!   The UK is encouraging its low cost, efficient socialized National Health Service hospitals to “set up profit-making branches abroad to help fund services in the UK.” This would be accomplished through arrangements with foreign governments, including Brazil, India, China, Libya and Persian Gulf countries. Of course :Prime Mister Cameron has not offered to include the US in this list, but it seems to me that Mr. Romney should take Britain up on this generous offer!

Now if Mitt were very smart, he would have Bain Capital set this up a private sector business!  Imagine a healthcare company called British  Health … perhaps as subsidiary of British Petroleum?  Here in Seattle, BH could buy out the Swedish Healthcare system hospitals … cleansing Seattle of this false connection to Sweden’s nearly communicat health care system.  I am certain a leveraged buyout expert like Mitt culd find a way to acquire Regent’s Insurance at the same time!

Imagine the cash flow!


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