Archive for September 25th, 2012

September 25th, 2012 - 11:03 pm § in Misc.

Sonyblad Cameras Coming!

  Hasselblad and Sony usher in a ‘new dawn’ with a long-term partnership that will enable the high-end medium format camera manufacturer to diversify for the first time into new market segments. The Swedish company Hasselblad, pioneer and developer of the H System, the world’s most advanc[...]

September 25th, 2012 - 12:47 pm § in Jews, Misc.

Yom Kippur Video

Recriuting Cheredi via video![...]

September 25th, 2012 - 10:28 am § in America, Politics

Romneyism: Paul Ryan insists he still has crazy views on abortion that his running mate finds ‘offensive

Ryan explains why he thinks women should be forced to give birth after rape. “Congressman’s Akin comments on rape are insulting, inexcusable, and, frankly, wrong,” Romney said. “Like millions of other Americans, we found them to be offensive.” […] “I have an entirely different view[...]

September 25th, 2012 - 9:44 am § in Misc.

ROMNEYISM: The view from a Brit

Spin is normal in politics, but Romney is pioneering a cynical strategy of reducing fact and truth to pure partisanship excerpts: Pointing out that Romney is consistently not telling the truth .. risks simply falling into the category of the usual “he-said, she-said” of American politics[...]

September 25th, 2012 - 7:53 am § in Misc.


Todays prognosis: On the Republican side, outspoken South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham said that by every economic standard, Mitt Romney should be headed for a win over President Barack Obama, with coattails for down-ticket offices. But in acknowledging a trend in the polls against the GOP standard-[...]

September 25th, 2012 - 7:50 am § in Misc.


After Mitt made a joke about the President’s birth certificate, the Mormon descendent of polygamits qupped: ‘We’ve Got To Have A Little Humor In A Campaign’ “I think the citizenship test has been passed. I believe the president was born in the United States. There are r[...]

September 25th, 2012 - 4:41 am § in Misc.

ROMNEYISM: Packing the House

How Romney Aced His Appearance on Univision Aside form Mitt’s suddenly and suspiciously tanned brown skin, the other surprise  was the raucous support from Hispanic students.  Buzzfeed found out how Mitt packed trhe hall, only Mitt;’s Dermatologist Cosmetologist can answer the other qu[...]