After Mitt made a joke about the President’s birth certificate, the Mormon descendent of polygamits qupped:

‘We’ve Got To Have A Little Humor In A Campaign’

“I think the citizenship test has been passed. I believe the president was born in the United States. There are real reasons to get this guy out of office,” he told Larry Kudlow in April 2011. “The man needs to be taken out of office but his citizenship isn’t the reason why.”

Rush Limbaugh cheered the joke, saying “Right on! Right on! Right on!” on his radio show Friday.

Maybe bigots on our side should retaliate?

Here is a start:

Mr. Romney says he has two Cadillacs .. on for his wife in Boston and anothe for his wife in California, we are reassued that he does not have more wives than these two!

How did Mrs Romney mage to have five sons all the same age?  Is there another wife?

If Mitt is elected will Ann get to build a stable for her horses at the White House?

Some Mormons, unlike Mitt, choose to serve in the military rather than go on a mission.  Do these Morons try to convert their fellow soldier?

If Mitt beiev3es in religious freed (that first amndment stuff) will he fight to legalize polygamy for Muslims and Mormon dissidents?


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