ROMNEYISMS: The response of the media to Romney’s foreign policyt address

The Press may be mailing at pretending that every Issue has two sides.

Romney came across more like the folks in Egypt burning this picture of President Obama than as if the Republican cnadidate was any sort of American statesman.  Look at the coverage of Romney’s bizarre speech after the murders in Benghazi .

The “main stream media” aka not funded by Murdoch or Koch:

New York Times: “An extraordinary lack of presidential character”

Washington Post: “A discredit to his campaign”

Los Angeles Times: “An outrageous exercise in opportunism.”

Boston Globe: “His statement was offensive on many other levels…Romney’s actions raise more doubts about himself than Obama.”

Philadelphia Inquirer: “Mitt Romney didn’t wait for expert assessments to use the four diplomats’ deaths to launch his own verbal assault.”

Miami Herald: “Profoundly inappropriate”

Tampa Bay Times: “The Republican nominee continued to exploit the situation”

Ft. Lauderdale Sun Sentinel: “Irresponsible. And totally unwarranted.”

Sarasota Herald-Tribune: “Prematurely lobbed off-base criticism”

Cleveland Plain Dealer: “Mitt Romney’s trigger finger was so quick that he didn’t even get it right”

Akron Beacon Journal: “Unfortunately, Mitt Romney chose to ignore the distinction.”

Boulder Daily Camera: “For someone whose campaign has been studded with tone-deafness abroad, this was stunning, undiplomatic and undemocratic rhetoric.”

Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: “Yes, it was sad and pathetic to see such callous and uninformed statements from politicians who couldn’t wait until they had the facts to use an international incident for political gain.”

And then there is Fauxish, Koch/Murdoch funded alternative universe:

Ann Coulter: Obama’s Actions “Led To Our Ambassador Being Killed” In Libya

Fox’s Steve Doocy: The U.S. Embassy In Cairo Was Essentially “Apologizing To Al Qaeda”

Fox’s Ralph Peters On Libya Attack: “They Kill Four Of Ours, You Kill 400 Of Theirs”

Bolling Hypes Myth To Politicize Embassy Violence, Claiming Obama “Apologized For Our Reaction To 9/11”

Limbaugh’s Conspiracy Theory: Al Qaeda “Gave Up Osama Bin Laden” To Make “Obama Look Good”

Rush Limbaugh: “Obama Gave Us The Arab Spring, Which Has Turned Into What Happened Yesterday”

Pat Robertson On Embassy Attack: “You Wonder What It Is In These Muslims That Causes Them To Go Crazy”

Oh and the folks who made the video that started this?  they are active in right wingnut circles.

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