A Wager: DelBene beats Koster

Delbene is going to win easily.

She is an ideal candidate for the new 1st … a rational, business Democrat.  Koster is TPer.

Hell, if Rmoney were not so infected with TPer flu, DelBene might even be called a Romney Democrat.  Her positions of fiscal conservatism are far more business like than Rooney’s silly claims that trickle down, trillion dollar tax breaks are a good investment.

Her record in business blows Rmoney away … she has earned her 50 million the old fashioned way by creating products.

Oh .. and then there is Koster, a hard care social conservative with no record of achievement in business or in government.  His stands on healthcare, woman’s rights. the Buffett rule, … even in immigration .. won’t get him votes here.

Any true conservative, as opposed to radical rightie, is going to vote DelBene.

So tell you what, I will bet a THE-Ave.US beer mug with your choice of beer at the Montlake Ale House vs. your buying me beer in a Republcan mug of YOUR choice to the first three Repubs who are willing to bet me that Koster wins!

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