SUNDAY REVELATIONS, On Fathers Day, Forced Abortion in China

While I fully favor the right of women to control their own bodies, the problem with doctrinaire feminists (of either gender) is that they lack respect for the other side.  If I believed that there was soul and that sperm + egg = person, I would side with those who oppose abortion.  While I do not believe that, I do share the “right to life'” community’s anger at those who see abortion as a simple matter of women’s rights.

It seems to me that BOTH sides should agree to condemn the policies in China and the event that happened last June 2.

When a 23 year old woman could not afford the 40,000 yuan ($6,300) fine for having her second baby, the authorities in Ankang city beat Feng Jianmeii and  forced the aborti0on of  the  seven months old fetus … a viable baby.

CLICKME for story on Huff Post

Photos of Feng lying on a hospital bed with her blood-covered, aborted  baby were posted online and went viral, prompting a public outpouring of sympathy and outrage.

The good news for ths of us who respect life is that China has responded to the public outrage.  The Chinese .. state controlled media .. have broadcast the story and said the officials will be reprimanded.

Reprimand?” seems far too little.  This was a healthy, viable fetus .. whose only crime was to be on the wrong side of the mother’s womb, the inside, when these state officials forced the abortion.  If this same fetus was killed after birth, the name for the crime would be murder.

It seems to me that both sides in this country, those who truly believe that some sort of soul comes into the cells when sperm and egg meet and those who believe women have an intrinsic right to control their own bodies should join together in disgust over this story!

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