SUNDAY REVELATIONS: New Archaelogy From Kansas

Journal Entry – 8/6/3495

Today, at the Dig Site 281stZ or what was once referred to as “Kansas City,” we discovered a curious set of documents. Four in total, the subject of each was cars. Of course, we’d learned about these ancient forms of transportation when working on Project 42xj495 or “The Excavation of Detroit,” but this discovery certainly presents some entirely new information. You see, while we once considered all cars to be machines, it appears that some were, in fact, living creatures!

Each of the documents clearly depicts, using vivid images and sounds, a notable event in what we are calling the LCE (Living Car Era). Assuming that the two heralded historical figures within these pages (named Mater and Lightening McQueen) are exemplary of the Living Car way of life, their society was one much like ours, except with more racing. The story that is left untold is what lead to their species’ untimely demise. The answer, we hope, will reveal itself as we continue to dig

Also worth pondering is whether these living cars predated and were the inspiration for the mechanical car, which, as we know from Detroit, predated the hover car, which predated the virtual mobile, which predated the teleportation pill, which, of course, is totally unnecessary now that we’ve evolved into orbs of light capable of being present in all places simultaneously.

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