Sunday Revelations: A parable for Easter

           Death of Joeb

When Joeb Deckley lived, he knew he wouild one day go on to a great reward.

As a soldier in the  Savior’s Army, Captain Deckley had been as successful as he had in his marriage, in having wonderful children, and  in pursuing a career in the cell phone industry.

Every year, Joeb gave a tenth, every sabbath he and his entire family prayed to God, three times a week Joeb worked in soup kitchens or taught the word at his own chapter of Alcoholics Anonymous.

Joeb led a good life and was especially pleased when politics went his way.  Now he could vote for Suzy Pious and Gerard General .. fellow believers who spread the word to the polling place.  They too were good people.

So, when Joeb died  it was a happy event.  He died on a Sabbath, surrounded by family and friends from his Church, the death was peaceful and full of hope.

But Joeb had guessed wrong.

As the good man passed through the levels of the afterlife he met Raven, Athena, Allah, Krishna, Shammai, Baal, Radha, Lairka  … all but Jesus asked why Joeb, despite all his worldly rewards, Joeb had denied them?

So these Gods met.  Jesus stood up for Joeb, claiming the spirit as one of His own.  But, since the afterlife is a democracy,   Raven, Athena, Allah, Krishna, Radha, and Larka prevailed and Joeb Deckley, the good believer, was cast down into Hades.

The End

I am that I am.

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