Latest Apple Toy .. The iThingy!

iThingy Completes Apple Mission

Users will be able to determine whether they liked a movie

A  next gen­er­a­tion Apple tablet com­puter, the company’s  follow-up to the IPad has been shelved as they pre­pare to intro­duce the iThingy, a com­pre­hen­sive per­sonal util­ity, URNews has learned

“It’s pretty amaz­ing,” said an Apple devel­oper who agreed only to speak to URNews anony­mously. “It fills all the gaps left by PCs or pods.  It’s totally gen­eral in its utility.”

The new device is said to help users nav­i­gate daily use. “The idea came from dash­board mounted GPS units,” said Haines. “Sure they’ll tell you how get from here to there, but will they tell you where you left your keys? iThingy will.”

The iThingy enables users to make even fuzzier deter­mi­na­tions with an “I’m not sure I know where I want to eat” appli­ca­tion as well as “Is my ass, like, huge in this?” and “What was his name again?” apps.

Its “iWasn’t at that meet­ing” fea­ture  can gen­er­ate excuses  and ratio­nal­iza­tions so com­pelling that the user even believes them. “I was talk­ing to this fuck­ing moron in the mar­ket­ing divi­sion and it just started buzzing and vibrat­ing wildly. It wouldn’t turn off until the guy left!  How cool is that?”

Users will be able to deter­mine whether they liked a movie and if they are going to stay for one more drink.

Most impor­tantly the iThingy comes in more col­ors and shapes than any Apple device yet. It can be strapped to the human anatomy more ways and in more places, and there are an end­less array of skins and other acces­sories for the device.  “Mar­ket research told us that peo­ple wanted an” I” thing of some sort to put over their heads.  It’s here.”

“It announces to the world who you are.” Ver­non con­tin­ued, “and it reads other devices so it tells you who to relate to and how. One ringy dingy on your Apple  iThingy, you are connected!”

The iThingy was to come with a  soft socket or dil­donic attach­ment for iPlea­sur­ing but devel­op­ers at Apple are still toy­ing with those.

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