Archive for April 13th, 2011

April 13th, 2011 - 6:25 am § in Schools & Colleges, UW

AAUP Shuts Down Listserv: An Open Letter to the AAUP:UW

Ed. This is an open letter to the AAUP, urging them to move their valuable listserv off  campus. My letter reflects a post that is now old news from 2007 and from another university, Cornell in 2007.  But the Cornell story illustrates the need for a free and open discussion by our own faculty.  W[...]

April 13th, 2011 - 6:21 am § in Misc., UW

UW borrows 200 million to build stadium, Berkeley borrows 7 million to set up online classes

(Berkeley)  officials … said on Friday that finding enough outside support had been a challenge. The university has secured the option to borrow $7-million to help pay for the project and may spend $4-million to $7-million of that money over the next several years, he said. Meantime .. the UW[...]