College Commits Student to Mental Ward

I might dismiss this as a fairy tale except, I once mentored a UW student, also a foreign student, who went through a similar ordeal. In his case. the Konlk County Mental Health social workers reprimanded the UW for their mistreatment of my student.

My student was Chinese and I had a hard time convincing him that this behavior at the UW  different from what he had experience at home.

Read this story about a n honors student from Nigeria at Brooklyn College.

Ms. Chinemerem Eze says that a school psychologist forcibly committed her to Kings County Psychiatric Hospital (not a nice place) for two weeks when she sought advice about a hidden camera her landlord installed in her bedroom. Of course, it’s not uncommon for people with mental illnesses to believe they are under surveillance, but in Chinemerem Eze’s case, it happened to be true! Just because you’re paranoid don’t mean they’re not after you, as the poet sings—unfortunately for Eze, her college shrink wasn’t familiar with Kurt Cobain, and she got locked up. Now she’s suing the school.

(….According to her attorney, Ms Eze told a school psychologist that ) she was thinking about leaving Brooklyn College. But instead of guidance, she says )the psychologist) and the security guards restrained her in the office and then committed her to Kings County Psychiatric Hospital against her will. (the attorney continues)  a campus security guard accompanied her in the ambulance and made sure she was committed. There she remained for two weeks, missing her final exams in December 2008. And when she was released, Brooklyn College allegedly refused to let her take the exams, and so she lost her $65,000 scholarship.

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