Posts Tagged ‘Whites’

December 31st, 2014 - 11:00 am § in America

Republican Denial …from Global Warming to Evolution to Racism

UPDATE:  Scalise says some of his best friends are Black and a Catholic he could not belong ot the KKK anyway! House Majority Whip Spoke At White Supremacist Conference In 2002 Twelve years before he was elected by his colleagues as House majority whip, Rep. Steve Scalise (R-La.) spoke at a co[...]

December 29th, 2014 - 5:13 am § in America

American Breeds: Race in America

The American concept of “race” is a farce. Some 40 years ago, as a medical student, I got into trouble when I asked my mentors why we were supposed to describe patients as Black or White? My mentors answered that there were genetic disorders. Excited by this idea, I began to take race hi[...]

December 11th, 2014 - 2:20 am § in Uncategorized

White Guys and White Cops Debate “Is it a gun?”

Imagine if the guys with the “not a firearm” were black![...]