The dramatic snapshot has drawn over 14,000 likes, and has received over 3,000 comments, since being uploaded to Facebook’s Gay Marines group. Blogger Joe. My. God. quotes Brandon Morgan, the Marine in the photo, as saying: To everyone who has responded in a positive way. My partner and I want[...]
Posts Tagged ‘tea party’
Red State Malaise
The once-booming South, which entered the recession with the lowest unemployment rate in the nation, is now struggling with some of the highest rates, recent data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics show. Several Southern states — including South Carolina, whose 11.1 percent unemployment rate is t[...]
Republican Angst
“If Romney cannot win Michigan, we need a new candidate. We’d get killed, (if Romney went on to be nominated) He’d be too damaged,if he can’t even win in Michigan, where his family is from, where he grew up.” As for Rick Santorum? “He’d lose 35 states,” Who else? “Jeb Bush,”[...]
Economics From Kenya
Inflation dropped to 18.31 per cent from 18.93 per cent recorded in December after hitting a high of 19.72 per cent in November, a drop mainly attributed to transport and communication sectors, with food yet to make any significant dent on the key economic indicator.”Our forecasts indicate tha[...]
Will Romney Loose Miuchigan?
New polls released Monday found Santorum at 39 percent, ahead of Romney with 24 percent, Ron Paul with 12 percent and Newt Gingrich at 11 percent. Similarly, the American Research Group poll found Santorum with 33 percent, followed by Romney at 27 percent, Gingrich at 21 percent, and Paul at 12 perc[...]
Terrifying Video From Iran
I found this on a Christian religious right site. If the video is really from Iran, then the scent of evil rivals the stench from Nazi propaganda. The edit and translation is by Reza Kahlili (Copyright: Reza Kahlili) – (The original Farsi version is over one hour long and the makers have state[...]
50% Drop In TOP Students Choosing Science and Engineering!
Even greater in number are the undergrad science majors who glimpse their future as a jaded graduate student, and decide that they would be better off in another line of work. People are walking away from science, and taking their future potentially ground-breaking accomplishments with them. Study t[...]
Chaplains Instructed to Tell Catholics Commander in Chief Has Sinned
Archbishop to U.S. Troops: Obamacare Reg ‘Is a Blow to a Freedom…for Which You Have Seen Your Buddies Fall in Battle’ By Terence P. Jeffrey, CNSNEWS February 6, 2012 Archbishop Timothy Broglio, who leads the Roman Catholic Archdiocese for the Military Services, wrote a letter to be read [...]
SUNDAY REVELATIONS: Political Diversity Sprouts in Libya.
Despite concerns of the UW’s own Ali Terhouni, Reuters reports hopeful signs in Libya that democracy has taken root. Terhouni, a former UW economist, returned to Libya as a member of the provisional government, but resigned in protest to organize a new political party. His party is now o[...]
Defunding Foreign Languages
The Modern Language Association has issued a letter calling upon its members to protest the cuts to education, especially languages and the humanities, that are written into the new federal budget. READMORE or go to this site to express your opinion to Congress.[...]