The L.A. fire department’s budget was increased, not cut. There’s no such thing as a “water restoration declaration.” Southern California’s reservoirs had more water than ever before. The hydrants ran dry because of unlimited demand, not limited supply. Given the wind g[...]
Posts Tagged ‘Rightwing Liars’
How Jordan Peterson mastered the art of intellectual dishonesty
Jordan Peterson, a Canadian academic, didn’t figure out how to get rich as a rightwing provocateur. He stumbled into fame and popularity. His appeal to the alt-right happened by accident. It started with a Canadian law against transgender discrimination, and grew from Peterson’s dislike [...]
Harris’s “billionaire tax” spawns rightwing lies on social media
Kamala Harris’s proposal to tax wealthy people’s unrealized capital gains is a bad idea, but not for the reasons claimed on social media. First, definitions. I’ll use an illustration. Let’s say you buy 100 shares of Stock A for $60 a share and sell it for $75 a share. Your pr[...]
Kamala Harris didn’t hit-and-run
It’s a bombshell story: “Kamala Harris was involved in a ‘hit and run’ accident in 2011 where she hit a 13-year old” named “Alicia” or “Alisha” Brown and left her paralyzed in a wheelchair. It was posted on a website called “KBSF-San Francisco News[...]
Rightwing politics and facts don’t mix well
Oil and water don’t mix. Neither do foxes and chickens. Or rightwing politics and facts. Lying is so endemic on the political right that you take it for granted what rightwingers say won’t pass a fact-check or truth-check. Trump’s lies are legion; Washington Post “fact-checke[...]
Be careful how you lie
Negative stereotyping is as old as humanity. It probably went on in paleolithic caves. We have a caveman demographic in our society today, too, and it’s as busy as ever fabricating lies about tribes living a spear’s throw away. For example, lies about drag performers. They can say pretty[...]
Kari Lake doesn’t know history
Kari Lake, who lost a race for Arizona governor in 2022, partly because 30,000 Republicans voted against her (see details here), is one of America’s most strident election deniers after Trump himself. A British reporter for Australia’s Sky News who disputed her assertion that American el[...]
Fox hosts haven’t stopped lying
Harris Faulkner (bio here), one of the Fox personalities filling in for Tucker Carlson after he was fired, claimed on the air that Christians are under attack. It’s classic rightwing victimhood. To bolster her storyline, she asserted she was kicked out of a restaurant for saying grace. She tol[...]
Your eyes aren’t lying, but tweeter is
Vernon Jones, a perennial GOP candidate in Georgia (profile here), tweeted this image of migrants supposedly besieging the U.S. border on May 8, 2023. Numerous other conservatives also used the photo (see partial list here, and story here). The photo was actually taken in southern Mexico on October[...]
Surveillance video explodes rightwing Pelosi lie
The lie goes like this: “Paul Pelosi and the man who attacked him were gay lovers who had gotten into a fight.” Republicans parted company with truth long ago and no sensible person believes them anymore. I’ll debunk this conspiracy theory anyway, not least because Trump embraced it (pun i[...]