The lie goes like this: “Paul Pelosi and the man who attacked him were gay lovers who had gotten into a fight.” Republicans parted company with truth long ago and no sensible person believes them anymore. I’ll debunk this conspiracy theory anyway, not least because Trump embraced it (pun i[...]
Posts Tagged ‘Rightwing Conspiracy Theories’
Conservatives spread disgusting lie about Pelosi attack
Today, most political violence in America comes from the right, which isn’t surprising given their demonizing of opponents and violent rhetoric. So it’s not surprising they’re trying to dodge responsibility for the politically-motivated attack that put Nancy Pelosi’s husband [...]
GOP poster girl calls anti-bullying school programs “Marxist”
Lori McRoberts was a handpicked audience member at the GOP’s carefully staged rollout of its post-midterm elections roadmap for America. The event, structured as a townhall with audience members asking GOP politicians questions, was held at a sheet metal plant in Monongahela, Pennsylvania, on [...]
Recalling the right’s Jane Fonda smears
Actress and antiwar activist Jane Fonda, 84, announced on Friday, September 2, 2022, that she’s beginning chemotherapy for non-Hodgkins lymphoma, a type of cancer (see story here). Fonda’s July 1972 trip to North Vietnam was just one of nearly 300 trips to that country between 1965 and 1[...]
“Stop the Steal” organizer whines about legal bills
Ali Alexander (photo, left; bio here), a rightwing activist, helped incite the Capitol riot, but didn’t participate and wasn’t arrested. However, he’s been hauled before the House committee investigating the riot, a grand jury investigating fake electors, is being sued by cops inju[...]
Stupid things some people listen to
Newsmax is a rightwing propaganda website (details here) originally funded by Richard Mellon Scaife who, until his 2014 death, spent much of his inherited billions on spreading rightwing extremism. It has a following. I don’t know why. That defies logic (more about this below). Anyway, “[...]
Does this mean they’re not friends anymore?
Trump says if he runs in 2024, Mike Pence won’t be his running mate (see story here). “I don’t think the people would accept it,” Trump said. “Mike and I had a great relationship except for the very important factor that took place at the end.” What “people” is he talkin[...]