“The nation, however, is not immune to the lasting damage that is being done to it by Trump’s success in normalizing post-factual politics. It is being poisoned by the injection into its bloodstream of the cynicism required of those Republicans who persist in pretending that although Trump l[...]
Posts Tagged ‘Republicans’
Paul Ryan stares down a GOP revolt in his back yard House Speaker Paul D. Ryan’s red-brick Georgian revival in this tree-lined, kid-filled Midwestern neighborhood has long been his “refuge,” as his wife calls it, from the divisive world of politics. But no more — ….fuming activists ha[...]
GOP Guy Splains Politics to Republicans
Rick WilsonFollow GOP Media Guy, Dad, Pilot, Hunter, Amateur Epistemologist, Cognitive Engineer, Cutter of Brush.Tweets mine, not my clients’ obvs. DMs off-record. #TeamWilson (from: Medium) Dear Reince: The image below posted was posted yesterday by Donald Trump. You’ve heard about it by [...]
Another Repentent Republican
Bob Gates: Trump Is ‘Beyond Repair,’ ‘Unfit And Unqualified’[...]
Why doesn’t Lindsey Graham switch parties or declare as an independent?
Lindsey Graham: 35 percent of GOP is racist Graham denounced Trump for race-baiting during an appearance on “The Daily Show.” WASHINGTONEXAMINER.COM[...]
Josh Marshall: The Gathering Storm
Courtesy of Josh Marshall at the TPM Editor’s Blog In turbulent and interesting times such as these, as Donald Trump rumbles on from outrage to outrage, we’re all on the look out for people who take some courageous or moral stand. Is this or that Republican taking a stand against Trump a[...]
DEBATE 2: Trump attempts to paint Hillary as “the devil.”
THE PREDATE PEEP SHOW: For ninety minutes before the debate began Trump hosted a news conference with four women, all of whom he claimed had been mistreated by president Bill Clinton. In effect, Mr. T was accusing Mrs. C of being Bill’s pimp. Mr. T even tried to blame Mrs. Clinton “Hillar[...]