Republican Worries ‘What We’re Getting Out Of It’ Rep. Michael Burgess (R-Texas) told radio host Mike Huckabee on Monday that he and other congressional Republicans are concerned about getting too little in exchange for passing a continuing resolution reopening the government. R[...]
Posts Tagged ‘Republicans’
Reprican Wonderland: Cruz and Palin
Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy[...]
US Slavery: Stealing Wages From the Working Poor
Pope Francis Condemns Wage Slavery Minimum wage for tipped workers: $2.13 readmore about how Congress PERMANENTLY fixed minimum wage at $2.13 for food workers.[...]
The AVE Scene: Chittendon Locks Closed Down By Republican Terrorists
The Constitution dictates that all navigable waters must be kept open, BUT it says nothing about letting tourists and citizens see the boats going through those waterways. So we drove by there today … CLOSED BY ORDER OF THE REPUBLICAN TEA PARTY![...]
BREAKING NEWS: Repricans Take King Crab Season Hostage
SEATTLE Crab Fleet Taken Hostage by Republican Patriots The Bristol Bay red king crab season is set to open Oct. 15, with a harvest of 8.6 million pounds, similar to last year. catch;At Pure Foods Fish at Pike Place Market, king crab is currently $34.50 per pound. “I could see it going up [...]
BREAKING NEWS: Tea Party Forces Continue Siege on Government
Paul Ryan Rallies Conservatives To Continue Shutdown, Block Debt Ceiling Deal[...]
Paranoid Neurosis Comes to Politics
Ted Cruz Poll: GOP Gaining Ground From Obamacare Fight Donald Trump: ‘I’m a Believer in the Tea Party’ Billionaire real estate developer Donald Trump says he likes what Sen. [Full Story] Read Latest Breaking News from Urgent:[...]
Faculty Obligations
Sadly, very few of UW are politically visible. … events last summer at UW, Washington State and UW, Wisconsin State Events at the beginning of the summer at two UWs should stimulate UW faculty political activity. Let me start of the right. Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker issued a line-it[...]
Of Communists and People of Color
Does Communist Detachment Create People of Color?: What happened to a Jewish family after Castro. Miriam B. Abrahams, a contributor at The Tablet, wrote a memoir of the death of her uncle, a Jew and a Communist, left behind when the rest of her family fled to the US. The uncle was estranged for [...]
BREAKING NEWS: Tea Party Makes Sneak Attack by Crossing the Potomac
Banks Shedding Short-Term Gov’t Debt… IMF Calls For ‘Urgent Action’… House Republicans Changed The Rules So A Majority Vote Couldn’t Stop The Government Shutdown Paul Ryan Rallies Conservatives Against Senate Shutdown, Debt Ceiling Deal Elder Statesman of Tea Part[...]