Apparently poverty is spreading faster in the right-to-work state of North Carolina than the Republicans who dominate the University of North Carolina’s Board of Governors want anyone talking about. They’ve voted to put their own law school’s poverty center out of business. What wi[...]
Posts Tagged ‘Republicans’
U. of North Carolina’s board closes their law school’s poverty center
Giuliani, Foot, Mouth, Again
Expanding on his assertion that President Obama is un-American, Republican politician and unsuccessful presidential candidate Rudy Giuliani explained that Obama’s opposition to torture “undermines” our security: “But I can only be disheartened when I hear him claim, as he did[...]
Kansas Secretary of State warns Obama might be promoting anti-white ‘ethnic cleansing’ The anti-immigrant Secretary of State for Kansas agreed with a caller on his radio program that a Hispanic majority might conduct “ethnic cleansing” against whites[...]
Oklahoma GOP legislators seek to ban AP course and require students to read Reagan speeches instead
This is what happens when you let partisan legislators dictate public school curriculums. “The bill, authored by Oklahoma Rep. Dan Fisher, designates a total of 58 documents that “shall form the base level of academic content for all United States History courses offered in the schools in t[...]
He’s President and you’re not, neener neener!
“I know this is a horrible thing to say, but I do not believe that the president loves America,” Giuliani said during the dinner at the 21 Club. Well, Mayor, America loves him more than you, because he’s President and you’re not, and that’s all I’m gonna say. Photo: Non[...]
Mississippi GOP legislator blames his racist remarks on news reporter
In a remarkable tour-de-force of non-courage, a Mississippi GOP legislator whose racist remarks got him in hot water with his own fellow Republicans after he was quoted by a newspaper is trying to pass the buck to the reporter who wrote the story. State Rep. Gene Alday, R-Walls, who came under fire [...]
Radical Republicans: Debunking Rightwing Monetary Myths
Most Americans, if they’re at all religious, should get on their knees and thank God that rightwingers didn’t run America’s economic policy in the aftermath of the financial crisis and near-depression which their policies helped cause. Although our economy isn’t exactly glitt[...]
Montana’s new female dress code
Yoga pants are banned, but guns will still be okay.[...]
Republicans expand tactic for suppressing votes to food stamps
First you take away their right to vote, then you let ’em starve. That’s how Republicans like to treat America’s poor (read: black) people. Photo ID laws have been so successful at keeping the poor, elderly, and minorities from voting that the GOP now wants to impose similar requi[...]
Be glad you don’t live in Arizona
This is who runs their legislature …[...]