What kind of state produces people like this? Do they have an education system there? Did they close their mental hospitals and turn the patients loose?[...]
Posts Tagged ‘Republicans’
The coming federal budget fight
This spring and summer, Congress must wrestle again with issues of military and entitlement spending, deficits, austerity, sequesters, debt ceiling, government shutdown and default, the GOP’s hatred of Obamacare and Obama’s immigration policies, and its burning desire to get Keystone XL [...]
Pennsylvania legislature failed to ban live pigeon shoots again
The scenes are awful. So-called “sportsmen,” not content to knock down clay pigeons, blow real live birds released from cages to smithereens. The carcasses — some just wounded and still struggling — pile up like trash in a landfill. It’s hard to believe anyone participa[...]
Why the GOP’s vigilante approach to guarding our schools can’t work
Some Republicans have proposed using armed volunteers to guard public schools. [...]
A war hero turns to politics
One of these men is president; the other wants to be. Huffington Post previously said Dakota Meyer’s tweets “usually are nonpolitical,” but reported in 2013 that he wants to run for Congress in 2016 and president in 2024 (when he’ll turn 36). That’s pretty ambitious fo[...]
Did Netanyahu un-elect himself?
Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu may have outsmarted himself, and his Republican hosts may have facilitated his political self-destruction, with their ill-considered and widely panned gambit of trying to undercut President Obama’s Iran policy by bringing in a foreign leader to attack [...]
Florida DEP employees ordered to not speak of “climate change”
“Officials with the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP), the agency in charge of setting conservation policy and enforcing environmental laws in the state, issued directives in 2011 barring thousands of employees from using the phrases ‘climate change’ and ‘[...]
GOP jailbird calls Obama “lawless”
“Please stop. Speaking live via Skype from San Diego, California, where he is currently serving his eight month sentence in a ‘community confinement center’ along with five years probation for violating campaign finance laws, convicted felon Dinesh D’Souza decried Hillary Clinton[...]
Serially married GOP legislator outraged by gay wedding
Texas state representative Tony Tinderholt, a Republican, was so outraged by a judge’s ordering a county clerk to issue a marriage license to a gay couple that he filed a complaint with the state judicial conduct commission against, er, the wrong judge. Rep. Tinderholt, by the way, has been ma[...]
GOP swallows “stinging defeat” as Obama signs DHS funding bill
“They came, they saw, they blinked. The House of Representatives passed a bill on Tuesday funding the Department of Homeland Security through the end of September, effectively ending a congressional standoff …. The bill, identical to a measure that cleared the Senate last Friday, pass[...]