“The man who allegedly shot an Oklahoma police chief four times during an attempted arrest likely won’t face criminal charges. … Horton shot Police Chief Louis Ross three times in the chest and once in the arm after the chief and four Washita County sheriff’s deputies raided[...]
Posts Tagged ‘Racism’
In Oklahoma, a white guy shooting a black police chief isn’t a crime
When citizens were heroes and cops were villains
“Go back home, you n***** lovers.” Those were the first words Steve Marlo, now 87 and living in Marysville, heard when he arrived at the Birmingham airport in March 1965. They were spoken by a burly sheriff’s deputy and would be repeated many times by other men wearing police uniforms in t[...]
Holder Cracks Down On Forfeiture Abuses By Corrupt Police Agencies
“Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. on Friday barred local and state police from using federal law to seize cash, cars and other property without warrants or criminal charges. Holder’s action represents the most sweeping check on police power to confiscate personal property since the seizu[...]
Miami cops use mugshots of blacks for target practice
“A South Florida family is outraged at North Miami Beach Police after mug shots of African American men were used at a shooting range for police training.” Because a National Guard member who visited the shooting range for training with her unit found a bullet-riddled picture of her brot[...]
Subscribe to Charlie Hebdo
The cover of the new issue of Charlie Hebdo, to be published tomorrow and translated into 16 languages. i6 million copies (rather than th eusual 60,000). The headline says: “everything is forgiven”. CLICK to donate. CLICK to subscribe.[...]
After killing Tamir Rice, the cops attacked his sister.
Tamir Rice, 12, and his sister, 14, did nothing wrong. These children had a right to be where they were, doing what they did: Playing in a public park. They broke no laws, committed no crime. Yet Tamir is dead, and his sister was violently tackled and thrown to the ground by a burly police […[...]
Radical Republican Racism
Republican Politician Suggests Detroit Become An Indian Reservation For Black People L. Brooks Patterson said he’d turn Detroit into an ‘Indian Reservation’ for black people, then ‘herd them in’ and ‘build a fence.’ And he’s not apologizing. addictingi[...]
Bomb rattles Colorado NAACP office
A homemade bomb rattled windows and shook objects off walls, but didn’t hurt anyone and caused only minimal damage, at the NAACP’s Colorado Springs office this morning. FBI agents and local police are seeking a “person of interest” described as “a white, balding man ab[...]
Where are the calls for Je Suis Badawi?
“… The most important lesson that we need to learn from the horrible massacre is that we must stand up more fiercely for India’s values. Tavleen Singh Calls for tolerance after the massacres in Paris are misplaced. Given the history of the Holocaust, America’s horrible history o[...]