The DOJ report on Ferguson’s extortion racket, as reported by CNN, details how city officials conspired to shake down poor black residents: Police were threatened with discipline for not issuing enough tickets, and competed to issue the most tickets. By 2013, the city was raising $2.43 million[...]
Posts Tagged ‘Racism’
Will Ferguson’s police chief be next?
Timeline for one of America’s worst police departments: August 9, 2014: Ferguson cop Darren Wilson kills black teenager Michael Brown. Later that evening, a cop allows his dog to urinate on a makeshift memorial, inflaming gathering crowds. August 10-12, 2014: Police respond to protests by depl[...]
Ferguson heads roll for racist emails
“Two police officers in Ferguson, Missouri, resigned Thursday over racist emails discovered during the U.S. Department of Justice investigation of the police department, city spokesman Jeff Small said on Friday, citing the city attorney. Small identified the officers as Rick Henke and William [...]
Shades of CIA: The Chicago Police Department’s black site
Chicago’s police admire the CIA so much they’re emulating them. What they like best about the CIA, of course, is their proclivity for bypassing and nullifying all those pesky legal rights that suspects and defendants are supposed to have. “The Chicago police department operates an[...]
I am done turning the other cheek
At 32 years old, I am fed up with having to always turn the other cheek in order to keep my job, and at one point my basketball scholarship. I am highly disappointed that most of the people that tell me to turn the other cheek are older black people, or older minorities of various […][...]
Tasered and arrested for owning a home in Alabama while black
“The poorest man may in his cottage bid defiance to all the forces of the Crown. It may be frail — its roof may shake — the wind may blow through it — the storm may enter — the rain may enter — but the King of England cannot enter — all his force dares […][...]
“What black man holds a steady job for four years?”
That was a Ferguson cop joking about the President of the United States in an email to a municipal court employee explaining why Obama wouldn’t be president very long, according to a Justice Department report released Wednesday, the Guardian reported. At this point the email’s author isn[...]
Black Billionaire
Some of my friends are excited that Michael Jordan is now a member of the Forbes Billionaire list. They feel like MJ’s arrival on the Billionaire list is a huge accomplishment for black peo[...]
GOP swallows “stinging defeat” as Obama signs DHS funding bill
“They came, they saw, they blinked. The House of Representatives passed a bill on Tuesday funding the Department of Homeland Security through the end of September, effectively ending a congressional standoff …. The bill, identical to a measure that cleared the Senate last Friday, pass[...]
Anthony Washington: Black Lives Matter, Cuban Americans and the Tea Party
The Black Lives Matter movement cannot squander the momentum and support gained on the national level. The BLM movement needs to expand from just a cultural phenomenon, to a social, economic and political entity. The movement has taken steps in the right direction creating a plan deemed, “Campai[...]