Posts Tagged ‘Military’

January 27th, 2022 - 11:19 pm § in China, Health

How hard is it to get a religious vaccine exemption in the U.S. military?

Recruits and troops in the U.S. armed forces are routinely inoculated against a laundry list of diseases. So, if you sign on the dotted line (nobody is drafted anymore, although the Selective Service law remains on the books for national emergencies), you expect to get jabbed and more than once. (Wh[...]

January 26th, 2022 - 10:01 pm § in Foreign Affairs, Russia

Can Ukraine be defended?

From the map below (click on it to enlarge), it doesn’t look like it, as two-thirds of the country is a salient. A topo map of Ukraine (here) isn’t encouraging; except for the Carpathian mountains in the west, the landscape is mostly plains, steppes, and plateaus (details here). Harsh wi[...]

January 13th, 2022 - 1:30 am § in Politics, Racism

Army Reserve fires medical officer for his vocal racism

A lieutenant colonel in the Army Reserve who likes Confederate flags and statues, and doesn’t like Barack Obama, Democrats in general, Black Lives Matter, or Muslims has been found guilty of “conduct unbecoming,” reported on January 7, 2022 (read story here). Not becau[...]

December 29th, 2021 - 5:31 pm § in Health, Hypocrisy, Law and Courts, Politics

The dumbest anti-vax argument

A federal judge shot down Oklahoma GOP Gov. Kevin Stitt’s attempt to enjoin the Pentagon from imposing its vaccine mandate on his state’s National Guard troops. The judge ruled the Defense Department’s vaccination protocols “must and do” apply not just to active duty pe[...]

December 13th, 2021 - 3:45 pm § in Misc.

Join Canada’s military and get raped

Sexual harassment is a way of life in Canada’s armed forces. U.S. forces have sexual misconduct problems, too, but perpetrators may risk discipline and dismissal. Not so in Canada; there, it’s different. “Really, there’s a culture that’s been permissive of these acts of[...]

December 11th, 2021 - 7:25 pm § in Health, Politics, Schools & Colleges

Can someone explain anti-vaxxers?

Nick Rolovich gave up a $3 million-a-year coaching job in order to remain unvaccinated. By then, he was the only major college football coach who wasn’t vaccinated. Sure, he’s suing the college and may eventually get a settlement, but at best that’s a gamble (see article here), and[...]

December 5th, 2021 - 2:33 pm § in Donald Trump, Politics

What the heck was he thinking?

Marine Sgt. Travis Glosser insisted to investigators he “never had any intent to harm anyone.” He never considered “selling, giving, or even showing anyone” the 13 lbs. C4 plastic explosive he stole. That’s enough to blow up three “antifa” buses (video below), [...]

October 27th, 2021 - 6:22 pm § in America, China, Foreign Affairs

China’s hypersonic test “concerning”

China recently tested a nuclear-capable hypersonic delivery vehicle, although they deny it. Gen. Mark Milley, America’s top military officer, called the test “very concerning” (see story here). There are several things the Pentagon doesn’t like about these weapons in our adve[...]

September 22nd, 2021 - 4:14 pm § in Biden, Health

This time Biden is wrong

The White House opposes a provision that Republicans added to a defense bill which would require honorable discharges for troops who refuse to get the Covid-19 vaccination. (See story here.) A dishonorable discharge elevates vaccine refusal to the status of a crime. It does more than disqualify a pe[...]

September 8th, 2021 - 5:59 pm § in Biden, Politics

Biden purges Trumpers from military academy boards

The military academies have advisory boards that include presidential appointees and members of Congress. They have an oversight function and provide “advice and recommendations” to the president (view description on West Point’s website here). Before leaving office, Trump stashed [...]