Posts Tagged ‘Jesus’

May 4th, 2014 - 9:29 am § in Jews, Religion

Sunday Revelations: ISLAM from Oxford Pt. 2.

Outrage Against Islam[...]

April 1st, 2014 - 11:12 am § in Christianity, Misc., Russia

SUNDAY REVELATIONS: Revelation in Russia

The Chapel of Russia’s Resurrection in Russia worships  Vladimir Putin as the reincarnation of Paul the Apostle. The  Chapel is  located in Bolshaya Yelnia, near the Volga Riverpreaches that Putin was sent to Russia to  to fight the antichrists and prepare  for the Second Coming of Chris[...]

January 6th, 2013 - 4:47 pm § in Christianity, Misc.

A Search For The Messiah

So far, the earliest Jewish reference to the Messiah that I’ve found reads “The Messiah exalted by the First Isaiah (c. 740-700 BCE) had been specifically the young king of Judah of that time, Hezekiah (727-698 BCE).”  As this was well before Plato [428-348 BCE], who briefly specu[...]

January 6th, 2013 - 3:19 am § in Religion


A friend recently challenged me to discuss the concept of Jesus as a Messiah.  Of course, as a Jew and the son of a liberator of Buchenwald,  and as someone acutely aware of the millions of people tortured and slaughtered in the name of Jesus. I have trouble taking this on. In unprejudiced manner[...]

September 30th, 2012 - 3:53 am § in Misc.


Scrap of Papyrus Records Jesus Reference to His Wife. As expected, The Vatican is in denial. In the least-surprising development to come out of the news of a papyrus fragment suggesting a Holy Spouse, the Vatican said on Friday that the text is a fake. In a long analysis of the artifact published in[...]

January 3rd, 1942 - 11:59 am § in Misc.

Who was Jesus? Tags!

Assuming Jesus existed and that the question means his message as opposed to the messages of Paul or Constantine, history offers a fee facts: The Jesus story is set in the middle of a fight by the Jews and the Roman occupation. The Jews; fight at over how to resist the Roman occupation. Jesus w[...]