Ed: Imagine a future where a politically influenced, centralized, federal bureaucracy can put its stamp on courseware that awards credit in evolution, economics or even American History. This article in the Chronicle talks about a $2 billion dollar federal effort to develop open courseware. Th[...]
Posts Tagged ‘Faculty’
FSU Allows Donor To Screen Faculty Candidates
My jaw dropped when I saw this item in the St. Petersburg, Florida, Times (via the vigilant folks at Buzzflash.com). http://www.tampabay.com/news/business/billionaires-role-in-hiring-decisions-at-florida-state-university-raises/1168680 Florida State University has accepted a $1.5 million gift from b[...]
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN: Calling All Scientists
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN: Calling All Scientists A report by the National Academies, which advises our country on science and technology, last fall found that the U.S. ranks 27 out of 29 wealthy countries in proportion of college students with degrees in science or engineering. It called on federal and s[...]
Release of Faculty-Productivity Data Roils U. of Texas
from the Chronicle of Higher Education. How much professors in the University of Texas system earn and how many courses and students they teach were parts of a vast data file that system officials compiled at the request of a newly formed task force on productivity and excellence and released public[...]
Across the Board Cuts to NIH Grants
From Genomeweb News: Facing a budget cut of nearly one percent for its operations, programs, and research awards over the remainder of the fiscal year, the National Institutes of Health will trim back the size of its grants for all of its institutes and centers (ICs), NIH said Monday. The 2011 budge[...]
Can Community Colleges Save Students Money?
Ed. Before focusing so much on tuition, Mr. Hrabe might check out the actual cost of Harvard. Given its astonishingly large scholarship programs, the College may well be CHEAPER than your local CC. He also very much underrates the value of elite schools .. not just the Ivies but the public ivies[...]
Is Higher Education a “Bubble?”
from The Center for College Affordability and Productivity on April 6th, 2011, by Richard Vedder Higher education is in a bubble situation-its price has risen sharply, fueled by cheap federal loan and grant money (sound familiar?) while the return on the investment has fallen. More and more college [...]
(Employers) want to hire 22-year-olds who can write coherently, think creatively and analyze quantitative data, and they’re perfectly happy to hire English or biology majors.
The Default Major: Skating Through B-School Ed. I am posting this for two reasons: 1. I am not convinced “business” should be an undergraduate major anyplace. 2. the concept that courses evolve toward the easy seems ot me t be an all too obvious example of Gresham’s law. 3. The imp[...]
Higher Education Group at Seattle MoveON
Starting after the Civil War, step by step America created a university system, including private and public colleges, that offered unheard of opportunities for an upwardly mobile America. The words are still thrilling .. GI Bill, Land Grant Universities, Pell Grants, National Merit Awards[...]
WGU vs. Phoenix .. getting your BGED in Biology.
The Seattle Times reports that online schools are replacing the community colleges as place to get the bachelor’s equivalent degree. A new version of the GED is now emerging .. I call it the BGED .. Bachelor’s Graduation Equivalent Degree. Like their online high school equivalents, som[...]