Posts Tagged ‘Democrats’

November 25th, 2016 - 10:34 pm § in Politics

What’s wrong with the Democrats?

Trump didn’t win this election; the Democratic Party lost it. Ralph Nader thinks he knows why. He explains.[...]

November 8th, 2016 - 12:18 pm § in America

First Election of FDR


October 3rd, 2016 - 1:44 pm § in Misc.

The other side of the mountains

For those who believe that the Eastside beyond the Cascades is all Trump and and GOP, to pay more attention to the Tri City Herald. The Herald  has endorsed  Cyrus Habib for Lt. Governor, Pat McCarthy for Auditor, Bob Ferguson for Attorney General, and Jennifer Goulet for State Rep in the 9th LD.[...]

September 29th, 2016 - 10:34 am § in Misc.

It is Not Oil that makes Democratic States Richer

Two political scientists, Paul Pierson and Jacob Hacker, argue that the path to prosperity lies through blue states, which invest in education, infrastructure and human services, rather than red states, which cut taxes and rely on extractive industry. The charts are interesting, particularly the one[...]

August 10th, 2016 - 11:36 am § in Misc.

David Brewster: The Coming Partisan Breakup

David Brewster Valuable survey of electoral blocs in this election by Michael Barone. A sample of the close-grained look: “Certain demographic groups resisted Trump’s appeal: Mormons, Dutch-Americans in northwest and central Iowa and western Michigan, German- and Scandinavian-Americans in Wi[...]

July 17th, 2016 - 11:07 pm § in The Ave Scene

Somebody should ask Pramila Jayapal: Why do you support Sawant?

TEN QUESTIONS FOR PRAMILA  Sawant’s opposition to the Democrartic Party, Raises  Questions Jayapla should answer. Kshama Sawant Showed Up at the DNC to Tell Bernie Sanders Supporters to Vote for Jill Stein. Sawant’s supporter, Pramila Jayapal is running for Congress. Pramila Jayapal [...]

June 30th, 2016 - 9:28 am § in Misc.

Open Elections For Political Parties Can Not Work in America

The problem here is the American idea of what a political party is. To  function as a party, the D or the R needs to be a party.  A party needs a structure, ti needs leaders.  Those leaders need ot be chosen by some mechanism.  Usually that means D or R politicians who get elected also get to[...]

April 26th, 2016 - 10:40 pm § in Misc.

Tax The Middle Class

David Brewster Ross Douthat puts his finger on the critical issue in Bernie’s programs: high tax increases on the middle class. The media rarely mention this, but it is political dynamite for the delicate Democratic coalition of donor-class, social liberals, ethnics, and the middle class. Dout[...]

April 25th, 2016 - 9:58 am § in The Ave Scene

Finally, A Real Challenger for Reichert?

Former sportscaster Tony Ventrella to challenge Reichert in 8th District Tony Ventrella, a Democrat, says he’ll do his campaign without taking PAC money or big donations, against the advice of the DCCC. Ventrella also considered running for Congress in 2000[...]

April 7th, 2016 - 4:29 pm § in Misc.

How Bright Patricians Become Republicans

The left has made a huge mistake by assuming that liberal idea must be true because they come from bright people. Bright people can, and often do, have terrible ideas. The problem is not unique to the Republicans.  The challenge of buying into climate denial, voodoo economics, creationism must be [...]