Dan Farber, professor of law | 10/3/11 There’s a lot of buzz about New Jersey Governor Chris Christie as a possible GOP presidential candidate. As with the other candidates in the race, it seemed like a good idea to check into his positions on environmental issues. The first thing that becomes c[...]
Posts Tagged ‘creationism’
Scientific Hype: “Epi” Genetics
The epigenetics miracle? from Pharyngula Jerry Coyne is mildly incensed — once again, there’s a lot of recent hype about epigenetics, and he doesn’t believe it’s at all revolutionary. Well, I’ve written about epigenetics before, I think it’s an extremely important s[...]
Animal Rights: Real Science is Archaic!
Jean Williams, an environmental writer n Seattle, has a blog post supporting the efforts of Dr. Kerry Kriger, founder of Santa Cruz based Save the Frogs, to get frog dissections out of the classroom and teach students more advanced and enlightened techniques. Her post is titled: Frog dissection: Rep[...]
The Universe Is Getting Stranger
Anti-matter! In space!, from Pharygula Science fiction dreams may come true: a small, thin band of stable anti-matter has been discovered near Earth. It was predicted theoretically, but now emissions from the annihilation of these particles has been observed. The existence of a significant flux of a[...]
BREAKING NEWS: Perry Preaches to 30,000
30,000 join Texas governor in prayer Secular America watches nervously as Christian evangelical Rick Perry moves closer to presidential bid[...]
Algae Fails As Source of Biofuel
Shell Oil pulls the plug on its last algae biodiesel research project Algae biodiesel has looked so promising (as in 100 times more fuel than corn or soy) that the U.S. Department of Energy gave $9 million to Cellana, a joint research venture between Shell Oil and HR Biopetroleum, specifically to lo[...]
Brazil/Peru: Time Travel, early humans living in natural state.
Read more[...]
Job Opportunities
Group in Kentucy advertising great jobs. Job Opportunities in the United States: Constituent Data Administrator (CDA) Guest Services Coordinator Public Safety Console Operator Senior Database Administrator (Senior DBA) Video Editor/Animator/VFX Web Developer–Python Zoo Keeper Ark Encounter Job[...]
An attack on a central concept: is Zionism Democracy?
Israel’s resolute occupation of Palestinians in not just historic Palestine, but in the West Bank and Gaza Strip specifically, can be considered the oldest quasi-dictatorship in the Middle East, Bishara argues [GALLO/GETTY] from Al Jazeera As the conventional wisdom goes – especially in t[...]
E!News Published: Wednesday, March 9, 2011 – 13:38 in Biology & Nature Chimpanzees and humans are minimally different genetically, but the small differences are what make us human, according to a team of researchers who identified segments of non-coding DNA missing in humans that exist in [...]