Posts Tagged ‘commentary by Roger Rabbit’

September 30th, 2014 - 4:11 pm § in Misc.

A Job For Jenny Durkan

Jenny Durkan, the current U.S. Attorney for Western Washington, appears to be a serious candidate to replace Eric Holder as Attorney General.  If she gets the nod, and I hope she will, one of her first and top priorities should be cleaning up St. Louis County, which recent news coverage has reveale[...]

September 29th, 2014 - 7:50 pm § in Schools & Colleges

A history lesson for those obtuse Colorado school board members

Somebody ought to enlarge and mount these photos, take them to a school board meeting, set them up on easels, then explain to the board members that the purpose of teaching real history is not to tear America down but make it better.[...]

September 12th, 2014 - 4:56 pm § in The Ave Scene

Housing of the future

This housing option might become more popular if the economy doesn’t improve. Of course, address still is everything; some alleys are snobbier than others, and there are curbs you wouldn’t want to be seen dead on. For more photos and story, click on this link:[...]

April 27th, 2014 - 5:22 pm § in Uncategorized

The Problem With Eyewitnesses

Shortly after Flight MH370 went missing, Michael Jerome McKay, an oil worker on a drilling platform off Vietnam’s coast, sent an email to his bosses stating he saw a plane crash in the South China Sea.  McKay wrote, “I observed (the plane?) burning at a high altitude and at a compass be[...]

April 26th, 2014 - 10:53 pm § in Misc.

Was Flight MH370’s Disappearance A Black Op?

Making a Boeing 777 with 239 crew and passengers vanish without a trace isn’t easy.  Maybe a rogue pilot or a hijacker could pull it off.  Or, it may be so difficult only a government — specifically, an intelligence agency– could do it.  What little we actually know about  Mala[...]

April 22nd, 2014 - 6:52 pm § in Uncategorized

South Carolina: A State Run By Old Fossils

South Carolina lacks an official state fossil, but has a surfeit of ex-officio fossils in its legislature. An 8-year-old girl wrote to her legislator suggesting the state adopt an official state fossil.  He introduced a bill in the legislature.  So far, so good. This shouldn’t be controversi[...]

April 18th, 2014 - 8:55 pm § in Misc.

South Carolina, Here We Go Again!

I’ve never lived in South Carolina, and frankly don’t want to, and have only an outsider’s impression of the state. A story in today’s news doesn’t improve my opinion of South Carolina or the people who live there. If the good citizens of South Carolina want to be taken[...]

April 14th, 2014 - 6:02 pm § in Uncategorized

Why Should You Care If Other People Are Bigots?

Because they might shoot you, that’s why. Yesterday, a bigot murdered two Methodists and a Catholic because he thought they were Jews.  In August 2012 a bigot shot ten Sikhs, killing six and wounding four, because he thought they were Muslims.  On Christmas Eve of 1985, a bigot murdered the [...]

April 13th, 2014 - 3:38 pm § in Misc.

Anti-Semite Kills 3 Christians At Kansas City Jewish Facilities

A shotgun-wielding gunman targeting Jews killed two Methodists and a Catholic in the parking lots of a Jewish community center and a Jewish assisted living facility in a Kansas City suburb Sunday afternoon.  He also shot at, but missed, two other people.  A suspect was captured by police at a near[...]

April 7th, 2014 - 1:56 am § in Misc.

BREAKING NEWS: What A Credible Lead Sounds Like

An Australian navy ship towing high-tech ping detection gear borrowed from the U.S. Navy heard a ping that lasted for 2 hours and 20 minutes.  Then, doubling back, it picked up two distinct pings for 13 minutes.  A commercial jetliner has two black boxes, each with a pinger, so if plane wreckage i[...]