Posts Tagged ‘Blacks’

October 7th, 2013 - 3:58 am § in America, Schools & Colleges, The Ave Scene

Can African Americans Become Just (White) Folks

Study: Black students at white colleges fear losing cultural identity[...]

March 21st, 2013 - 10:25 pm § in Uncategorized

Voters Rights Day

It was on this day in 1965 that thousands of marchers, led by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., left Selma, Alabama, headed to Montgomery, to protest the disenfranchisement of African-American voters. They had attempted the march twice before, earlier in the month, but the first time they had been badly b[...]

October 21st, 2012 - 11:07 am § in America

Q: What do you call the black lady at a gathering of 1,000 Republicans? A: “Ms. Chairman.”

Click the colored lady to learn more.[...]

September 3rd, 2012 - 11:35 am § in America, Misc.

Slur of the Day Is Obama a “coconut?”

Coconut (US) a person of Hispanic descent who’s accused of acting white.[45] (New Zealand/Australia) a Pacific Islander. Named after the coconut, the nut from the coconut palm.[46] (UK) a black person who exhibits behaviour associated with caucasians; (US) a black person trying to be ‘wh[...]

August 15th, 2012 - 1:36 pm § in America

Slur of the Day: the other Niggers

White Nigger / Wigger / Whigger / Wigga (US) used in 19th-century United States to describe the Irish. Sometimes used today in reference to white people in a manner similar to white trash or redneck.[199] Also used to describe white youth that imitate urban black youth by means of clothing style, ma[...]

August 3rd, 2012 - 8:14 am § in Uncategorized

How MLK Changed American Standards of Beauty

Michelle Obama and Gabby Douglas[...]

July 23rd, 2012 - 1:11 pm § in Misc.

Slur of the Day: another Honkey word

Redlegs in Barbados, the term is offensive to many, and refers to the islands’ laborer-class whites.[...]

July 9th, 2012 - 7:19 am § in America, Hypocrisy, The Ave Scene

BLACK violence against honkeys, fags, and tilt eyes .. IN SEATTLE!

A Fox station in Seattle, KCPQ, reports the King County Sheriff’s office is concealing the problem of black violence.   Bus rider  Gil Costello told the local Fox affiliate, KCPQ, violence on the bus “happens all the time. They just never report it.”  The conservative news site, WND, r[...]

June 29th, 2012 - 8:17 am § in Hypocrisy

THE Ave Challenge: Where can I buy this squeeze doll?

HINT: DO NOT PURCHASE THIS MERCHANDISE UNLESS YOU ARE A MITT ROMNEY SUPPORTER But .. … click the image to go to the purchase site.[...]

June 25th, 2012 - 12:33 pm § in Misc.

Mitt to Speak at NAACP Convention

Enough said by me is in my picture. Roland Martin has more to say in a polite manner … Or go here to read about African Americans for Romney. Or here to see what African Americans are doing in the Romney campaign!  [...]