Posts Tagged ‘Bad States’

March 27th, 2023 - 5:45 pm § in Politics, Racism, Republicans, Schools & Colleges

Florida bans Ruby Bridges movie

A couple days ago, I posted that Florida banned a book about Rosa Parks for school libraries (see posting here). Now, Florida has also banned a Disney movie about Ruby Bridges, the little black girl in the Norman Rockwell painting below (read story here). Why? Because “a parent complained ab[...]

March 24th, 2023 - 9:37 pm § in Racism, Republicans, Schools & Colleges

Florida bans “The Life of Rosa Parks”

Technically, it’s under review. But the book was pulled from school library shelves months ago, which effectively prohibits students from reading it, unless they obtain a private copy here. (Read story here.) Florida is a retirement haven for rich (and not-so-rich) East Coasters. The stateR[...]

March 23rd, 2023 - 8:10 pm § in Politics, Republicans, Schools & Colleges

Just bleed on the desk

Idaho schools won’t provide girls with free tampons, because GOP legislators voted against it, calling it “woke,” “liberal,” and “nanny state” (read story here). That’s despite Idaho’s child poverty rate of 14.4% (see story here), which is nearly[...]

March 23rd, 2023 - 12:14 pm § in Schools & Colleges

Michelangelo gets Florida charter school principal fired

“The principal of Florida’s Tallahassee Classical School is out of a job after parents complained that their sixth-grade children were shown Michelangelo’s 16th century ‘David’ sculpture, with one parent calling it ‘pornographic,'” Huffington Post reported on “[...]

March 15th, 2023 - 9:27 pm § in Law and Courts, Racism

Southern injustice

I wonder how many white people in Florida get sentenced to 400 years in prison for being the getaway driver in an armed robbery in which no one was hurt? That was the sentence imposed on Sidney Holmes in 1989, and he wasn’t even the getaway driver in the robbery. He was convicted on the [&hell[...]

March 12th, 2023 - 11:28 pm § in Law and Courts

Texas death factory

No, not the Mexican border. The courtrooms of Harris County, Texas. This county’s judges send more people to death row than any other U.S. county. This isn’t some out of the way place where justice is meted out by cowboy judges to hapless defendants represented by country lawyers. Harris[...]

March 6th, 2023 - 11:07 pm § in Law and Courts

Texas abortion law endangers women (video)

Move to Washington. We don’t persecute doctors and pregnant women here. Return to The-Ave.US Home Page[...]

March 4th, 2023 - 6:57 pm § in Politics, Republicans

WTF Texas Republicans?!

Rep. Tony Gonzales (R-TX) represents southwest Texas. The Uvalde elementary school, scene of a mass shooting in May 2022, is in his district. The perpetrator bought the gun legally a day after his 18th birthday, and committed the crime a week later. Following that school massacre, there was another [...]

March 4th, 2023 - 12:00 pm § in America, Politics, Religion, Republicans

GOP legislator’s anti-LGBQT hate tax

Texas state Rep. Bryan Slaton (the gunman in the photo below; read his bio here), a former preacher-man, is a hater. He was elected by country hicks in northeast Texas (details here and here). The product of a Baptist bible college, he wants the state to kill doctors who perform abortions, and wome[...]

February 9th, 2023 - 4:16 pm § in Hypocrisy, Racism, Republicans

Mississippi genocide

You may remember the white Republicans who run Mississippi stole nearly $100 million of federal TANF funds intended for the state’s poor, many of whom are black. Two million dollars was paid to retired NFL player Brett Favre as “speaking fees” for talks he never gave, which he refu[...]