Posts Tagged ‘Bad Cities’

June 30th, 2024 - 6:57 pm § in Democrats

The failure of West Coast liberalism

West coast cities are a “mess,” says Nicholas Kristof, a New York Times columnist (see story here). He’s specifically referring to homelessness, drug use, lower high school graduation rates, and lower home unaffordability because of restrictions on residential construction. Kristof[...]

November 15th, 2014 - 3:50 pm § in Misc.

What Citizens Don’t Understand About Police Use Of Force

The press is eagerly awaiting the Michael Brown grand jury decision, because whichever way it goes, it’ll be a good story. If Officer Darren Wilson is indicted, there’s the best trial since George Zimmerman to look forward to; and if he isn’t, there’ll be protests and maybe r[...]

November 5th, 2014 - 6:24 pm § in America

Do Not Feed The Homeless!

See if you can name a U.S. city that treats human beings like wild animals.  [...]