Posts Tagged ‘Asia’

February 28th, 2015 - 11:01 pm § in Politics

Book Review: Praising sweatshops

Out of Poverty: Sweatshops in the Global Economy, by Benjamin Powell (Cambridge University Press, 2014) Okay, I haven’t read it, I’ve only read the review in Barrons magazine, so this is really a review of a review. Benjamin Powell is a very conservative (actually libertarian) academic [...]

February 6th, 2015 - 11:24 pm § in Politics

Australia’s rightwing leader is in serious political trouble

And this is welcome news, because Aussie prime minister Tony Abbott is one of the world’s worst climate deniers. His economic policies suck, too: “Abbott, a combative, uncompromising right-winger, has become deeply unpopular in Australia—and his colleagues in parliament are eyeing his[...]

February 2nd, 2015 - 10:23 am § in Hypocrisy

JAPAN is aroused

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe reacted to the execution of two of his citizens by ISIS,  promising “to make the terrorists pay the price.”  This vow is unheard of in post WWII Japan , raising awareness here that the crisis could be a watershed for this long pacifist country. J[an has been dependent[...]

December 26th, 2014 - 11:24 pm § in America, Misc., Politics

“The Interview” = Idiocy Squared

By David Preston How bad was The Interview? It was so bad that 10 seconds into the film I was already rooting for the North Koreans. And I never stopped rooting for them until the bitter end. It’s not that I like those commie bastards, mind you. It’s simply that the Americans were such�[...]