King County voters to decide on turning prosecutor into a nonpartisan job We vote on so many damn offices here that most folks have no idea whom they are voting for.[...]
Posts Tagged ‘all politics is local’
BREXIT: The Reasons Direct Democracy Fails
Perilous Plebiscites: Brexit Vote Underscores Limits of Direct Democracy – SPIEGEL ONLINE[...]
How Gerrymandering can destroy Democracy ..and maybe hurt the GOP
The Republicans’ big gerrymander could backfire in a major way Meet the “dummymander.” WASHINGTONPOST.COM[...]
Clint Didier FACEBOOK WHAAAATTTTT?????? You won’t find CLINT DIDIER on the WSRP website this year. The Washington State Republican Party (WSRP) has a policy of excluding any Republican candidate from their website who is challenging an incumbent Republican seat, REGARDLESS OF THE VOTING RECORD or[...]
Sorry Patty: I can not afford it!
Dear Stephen, I am writing to invite you to kick off this important election year with me by joining me for a small lunch in support of my campaign on February 5th. By far my most important job is listening to the people I represent and then going to the other Washington to share their […][...]
Ballot Recommendations: Two Sets of Similar Ideas
Geov Parrish: This year’s general election ballots have been mailed out, and they’re…long. And complicated. Not to worry – I’m here to help. Because buried among the judicial races and “advisory vote” nonsense are some genuinely important, meaningful choices. Unlike this Augus[...]
Dear Darcy Burner
Recently, I posted on another blog about my disappointment of the path Darcy Burner, a former candidate for Congress from the Eastside, has taken after loosing her campaign against Dave Reichert. Darcy took offense. My response explains some of the reasons I believe The-Ave is important. .. no[...]
BERTHA POLITICS: Seattle Does Not Have a Political Machine
Dan Jacoby FACEBOOK Having moved from the Empire State to the Evergreen State almost five years ago, I quickly noticed something about the difference in political machines. That difference is most notable in my Facebook feeds this week from people in Philadelphia. Pretty much every delegate from N[...]