Posts Tagged ‘academic freedom’

April 7th, 2017 - 10:00 am § in Misc.



December 22nd, 2016 - 12:08 am § in Misc.

The Limits of Academic Freedom

 UO Professor Punished for Appearing in Blackface Last October, Professor Nancy Shurtz hosted a Halloween party at her home . She invited  faculty as well as all of the students from her Tax Policy and Tax Planning classes. Students were welcome to bring family members, dates, or plus-ones. Peopl[...]

September 22nd, 2016 - 6:17 pm § in Misc.

China: Ai Weiwei

12-Year Sentence for Ai Weiwei’s Lawyer Xia Lin’s lawyer said he was being targeted for his human-rights work.[...]

July 21st, 2016 - 6:59 pm § in Misc.

TURKEY … sign the petition

Open Letter to the Elected President of Turkey As one who has looked to Turkey as evidence that a democratic Islam could prosper, giving others the chance to learn all that is good in what the Prophet taught .. As one who is proud that my ancestors lived in Andalus in its golden age ,, […][...]

April 5th, 2016 - 1:37 pm § in Schools & Colleges, The Ave Scene

Is The UW Now Banned From Interactions with UNC?

Gov. Jay Inslee wrote a memo last week prohibiting non-essential state-funded travel to North Carolina:  “Our nation is rightfully moving toward increased acceptance and celebration of diversity. The discriminatory policies being promoted by North Carolina is not something our state condones or [...]

March 19th, 2016 - 11:24 am § in The Ave Scene, UW

Save KPLU from the Evil UW

This is a must!   The UW’s purchase of KPLU was a very sad move , an effort to undermine the diversity of listeners and need for local programming rather than the NPR feed. KPLU is very different, featuring Jazz and new programs built here along the sound.[...]

February 17th, 2016 - 1:50 am § in Misc.

CENSORSHIP: Why the UW Needs a blog

  The only source of pubic discussion for UW faculty is a listserv run by the AAUP.  That listserv is terribly important because of the historic devotion of the AAUP to free speech. The AAUP listserv is an antique. Many faculty think the listserv is private.   That is not so.  Since the list[...]

October 21st, 2015 - 3:54 am § in America, Schools & Colleges

Academic Free Speach

THE BLAZE: College Professor Writes Column Confessing Her ‘Hate’ for Republicans —  University of Michigan supports her right of free speech.   Communications professor Susan Douglas wrote a column  titled “We Can’t All Just Get Along.” She said, “In our era of polarization, one par[...]

June 7th, 2015 - 9:08 am § in Schools & Colleges, The Ave Scene, UW

Why The UW Will Die As A Premier School II

Amy Hagopian, PhD Dear Colleagues, Those of you on upper campus may not be fully aware of how faculty get paid on the south side of Pacific Street. In most departments down here, faculty are responsible for putting together their own paychecks. You get some percentage points of your FTE for teaching[...]

June 4th, 2015 - 4:24 am § in America, China, Politics

CHINA: Ai WeiWei

How can China be free when he is still treated like this?  READMORE The film starts with Ai Weiwei returning home after 81 days in detention for tax evasion, which is basically the Chinese government doing a cover of Eliot Ness because they’re tired of the artist speaking out and you can’t blac[...]