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December 4th, 2016 - 1:20 pm § in Schools & Colleges, The Ave Scene, UW

OVER ON FACEBOOK, State Senator Reuven Carlyle Made a Mistake

Trying to brag about the UW as a world class academic school, Reuven tried to compare the academic standing of #1 ranked NCAA football team, The Alabama Crimson Tide, to the academic standing our own UW Huskies with a football team at #4.  Reuven picked the wrong campus … UA Tuscaloosa is the[...]

October 28th, 2016 - 1:45 am § in Hypocrisy, Politics, The Ave Scene

Whither Pramila ? .. REPOSTED FROM May 11

Does her campaign know who lives in her district? I got called tonight from Washington ??DC??  by a Pramila Jayapal volunteer trying to get me to sign up.   I told the volunteer I had been interested in working for the campaign because I have been impressed by Ms. Jayapal’s abilities in or[...]

September 19th, 2016 - 9:31 am § in Misc.

GOP Guy Splains Politics to Republicans

Rick WilsonFollow GOP Media Guy, Dad, Pilot, Hunter, Amateur Epistemologist, Cognitive Engineer, Cutter of Brush.Tweets mine, not my clients’ obvs. DMs off-record. #TeamWilson (from: Medium)  Dear Reince: The image below posted was posted yesterday by Donald Trump. You’ve heard about it by [...]

September 18th, 2016 - 1:14 am § in Christianity, Misc.

SUNDAY REVELATIONS: Christians Offended by Politics

A ‘VERY TIRED CHRISTIAN’ WROTE THIS ‘DEAR OFFENDED CHRISTIAN’ LETTER THAT WILL BLOW YOUR MIND   We’ve all been in situations where we’re faced with a person or people who take our own beliefs and principles and skew them into something they’re not. This election cycle is the perfe[...]

September 8th, 2016 - 12:40 pm § in Misc.

Why HRC Will Be a Great President

“She’s going to be a fine President.” Michael Arnovitz Facebook post In the course of a single conversation, I have been assured that Hillary is cunning and manipulative but also crass, clueless, and stunningly impolitic; that she is a hopelessly woolly-headed do-gooder and, at heart,[...]

August 16th, 2016 - 6:58 am § in Misc.

Anniversary of Genocide in Namibia

Chinazor Onianwah When I cited this report in my book in 2008, I was confronted by Zionists who said it was an affront to claim that the massacre of the Namibians was a holocaust. It was a holocaust, perhaps 10th in place after the Trans Atlantic Slave Trade. The Jewish holocaust as horrendous as it[...]

July 12th, 2016 - 2:55 pm § in The Ave Scene

Of Pramila and Brady: a Dialogue on Facebook

Over at FB, I asked a Bernieoid, Jack Smith ,why he was supporting Pramila Jayapal for Cingress in the the 7th Congressional District.   My question arose because Jayapal was a Bernie endorser, but she does not live in this District.   Stephen Schwartz So why do you support Pramila over Brady? D[...]

April 22nd, 2016 - 2:55 am § in Jews, Misc.

Call me Honky

This began as a discussion with a Jewish friend, someone I respect greatly. I will call my friend Aaron. Aaron, of course is a pseudonym.  The words below the picture (of John Carridine as Aaron)  are an edited version of an email sent to me. Aaron is a socially committed and very learned Jew. He[...]

April 4th, 2016 - 10:25 am § in The Ave Scene

A Bernie Supporter goes shrill

POSTED TO UW LISTSERV in response to my comments about Bernie and science.  Devon G. Peña, Ph.D. Professor, UW American Ethnic Studies, Anthropology, and Program on the Environment Stephen and colleagues: Why post dated misinformation from the Clinton campaign disguised as a neutral observer’[...]

March 18th, 2016 - 1:17 am § in Misc.

An antisemetic screed … rejecting the myth that Jews are white

Jews Are Not White Rabbi Gil Steinlauf is leading an important development in American race relations, the steady drift of Jews away from publicly identifying as “White.” The history of Judaism and Whiteness in America is a complicated one, and Steinlauf’s hackneyed historiography is far from [...]