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September 19th, 2016 - 10:49 am § in Misc.

Election 2106: The Indians Are Coming!

In the 2016 elections, Denise Juneau,  Joe Pakootas and Chase Iron Eyes are blazing a new trail. THE Ave endorsed Joe Pakootas for Congress.   We did that after hearing this remarkable man speak.  Joe seems like an ideal candidate for the eastern side of our state, a region with very traditio[...]

September 15th, 2016 - 1:34 am § in Misc.

Hey Bernie Guys and Gals: LOOKEE HERE!

12 PLUS 1 ….. PLACES BERNIE’s BRIGADE MIGHT DO SOME GOOD RANK RACE 1 BEST HOPE FOR THE BERNIE BRIGADE The open seat in New York’s 19th District has attracted the attention of one-time New York gubernatorial candidate Zephyr Teachout, who’s now facing Republican John Faso in this Hud[...]

August 6th, 2016 - 10:58 am § in Misc.

Why the WASTATE Democratic Party Loses Elections

Every poll shows WASTATE as BLUE. Yet the Democratic Party here loses elections that should be won. Why? The obvious example is the legislature.  We are a blue state where the legislature swings equally to the right or the left with each election.  The result is chaos like the McCleary court  de[...]