Archive for the ‘Saudi Arabia’ Category

July 6th, 2024 - 11:27 pm § in America, Donald Trump, Foreign Affairs, Politics, Republicans, Saudi Arabia

What would a second Trump presidency be like?

Academic futurist Daniel Drezner (photo, left; profile here), writing for Politico (here), has some predictions. First, brace for much higher inflation. “In a second Trump term, his combined policies of ‘priming the pump,’ looser money, higher tariffs and fewer workers is a surefir[...]

June 25th, 2024 - 6:53 pm § in America, Biden, China, Donald Trump, Europe, Foreign Affairs, Israel/Palestine, Politics, Republicans, Russia, Saudi Arabia

Is Biden senile?

Let’s figure this out. My raw material is Time magazine’s June 24, 2024, cover story (here). It’s mostly about foreign policy; I can only quote short excerpts, for space and fair use reasons, and encourage you to read the entire article linked above. It begins, “During his 40[...]

February 28th, 2023 - 10:37 pm § in Donald Trump, Foreign Affairs, Politics, Saudi Arabia

The $2 billion bribe

Saudi Arabia can afford it. After all, it’s an investment. The Washington Post reported, “The day after leaving the White House, Kushner created a company that he transformed months later into a private equity firm with $2 billion from a sovereign wealth fund chaired by Saudi Crown Prin[...]

October 23rd, 2021 - 2:18 am § in Biden, Economics, Politics, Saudi Arabia

Who’s to blame for high gas prices?

With elections approaching, Republicans want voters to believe Joe Biden is. But that’s ridiculous on its face. President don’t set pump prices. While they often get blamed for high gas prices, they have no control over them. Pump prices result from market forces of supply and demand. Oi[...]

May 12th, 2021 - 8:45 pm § in America, Biden, Business, China, Christianity, Donald Trump, Economics, Environment, Foreign Affairs, Health, Humor, Hypocrisy, Israel/Palestine, Jews, Law and Courts, Misc., News Media, Politics, Racism, Religion, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Schools & Colleges, Science, The Ave Scene, UW

Welcome to The-Ave.US

Featuring news and commentary from a reasoned perspective To return to the Front Page, click on “Blog” in upper left corner This website includes news summaries, essays and commentary, videos and short movies, and offbeat and whimsical humor. It adds background and perspective to news, with link[...]

February 19th, 2021 - 2:30 pm § in America, Biden, Foreign Affairs, Saudi Arabia

Contrite Saudis suck up to Biden

“Saudi Arabia is extending an olive branch to the Biden administration,” Foreign Policy magazine says, noting that, “On Feb. 10, the kingdom released women’s rights activist Loujain al-Hathloul after 1,001 days in prison …. Earlier this year, Riyadh released other politic[...]

October 31st, 2020 - 2:58 pm § in Donald Trump, Law and Courts, Politics, Russia, Saudi Arabia

Kasparov: “Prepare for the unimaginable”

     Editor’s note: Garry Kasparov is best known as a world chess champion, but he’s also an author, speaker, and pro-democracy crusader; and, needless to say, not one of Vladimir Putin’s favorite people. (Visit his website here.) In this op-ed, originally published on CNN (here[...]

September 11th, 2020 - 12:44 am § in Saudi Arabia

9.11.01 … Who Won?

I have a different take. Much of what happened that day was not the achievement of the Saudi terrorists (let be honest about who they were) but the result of the incompetence or malfeasance of GW Bush and his Rasputin, Dick Cheney.  By Steve Schwartz, theaveeditor, 5/13/19 Bush and Cheney cannot be[...]

April 1st, 2020 - 5:41 am § in Donald Trump, Foreign Affairs, Hypocrisy, Saudi Arabia

Obama’s war


January 16th, 2020 - 11:37 pm § in America, Donald Trump, Israel/Palestine, Saudi Arabia

Where the PHUK is Iran?

AXIOS reports that a recent survery found that only 23% of Americans know where iran is on a map.  THE-Ave offers this map to help. We have added a shadow showing the range of the impressive missiles used by Iran in the January 8 strike to retaliated for what Iranians see as the US martyrdom [&hell[...]