click on the title of this post to see Sawant’s top contributors.

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  1. TobyinFremont #

    Not only is the graphic designed to inflame people prone to fall for red baiting, but calling individuals corporate because of their employers’ name is misleading unless you can show they are principals. You really think Microsoft or Skanska support Sawant? lol

    The two names I recognize: Mike Withey has been a leftist, anti-corporatist lawyer in Seattle for decades. Calling him corporate is absurd. Same with David Goldstein (“Goldy”)

  2. theaveeditor #

    Hmm MY graphic??

    All it does is follow on to Sawant’s own rhetoric.

    SHE calls herself a Trotskyite and follow up with calls to turn Boeing over to the workers and “Tax the Rich.” She also shows up with cadres of red shirted followers, refuses to meet with the small businesses (perhaps because they aree kulaks?) and castigates Pam Banks as being a tool of the capitalists.

    As for Microsoft, Boeing, Amazon, Skanska … of course I don’t demonize folks for working there BUT IT IS EXACTLY what does in coming up with their claim that Pam Banks has gotten “$140,000 from CEOs, landlords, and ‘business sources.'” Even using guilt by association, Banks has obviously not gotten that kind of money.

    As for Goldy, ..errr ahhhh, HE WORKS FULL TIME FOR A SCION OF A WEALTHY SCION OF A WEALTHY SEATTLE FAMILY .. Nick Hanauer. Nick made a billion (or so) largely as an investor in Amazon. Obviously, as someone who spends a lot of time with Goldstein, I do not consider him a corporate tool, but Sawant has decided that working for money is a basis for demonization for everyone who owns a boat, works for Eli Lilly, owns a restaurant, etc.

    BTW, hows it that Sawant is refusing to be interviewed by Erica Barnett? Do you suppose that Ms S is afraid that Erica might ask what sort of tax on the rich would pay for the nutty plan to build 10,000 apartments per year? That is $3 billion per year!

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