Ezells spreading its wings to Spokane

captureEzell’s is one of the best things about Seattle. 

I can remember when to was a black secret because white folks were afraid to go to the CD. One day my I discovered Ezell's Seattlesomething even better: Hill’s Brothers’ Barbecue .. around the corner in a half burned out shack.   We used to get stares since that was even more “black” and no white folk would go there, but the food was great.  Hills Bros. Barbeque was on 22nd and E. Cherry, two street back form Ezell’s.   The old lady and her son  smoked all of their meat in what I think were old oil drums.  Imagine the cancer!  before putting on the sauce from one star – mild- to four star-the hottest! There was something they put in their sauce I have never been able to duplicate — a flavor of smoked herb maybe.

Hills’ is long gone . Seattle has a number of so-so white BBQ places butt the best Black BBQ (BBBQ?) we have found is Uncle Mike’s Superlicious in White Center.  Amazingly, Mrs. Uncle Mike is a vegetarian so all the sides are pork free .. meaning my wife can go, eat some great chicken AND enjoy the best greens.

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