South Carolina: CCC Leader Appointed to Governor’s Re election Committee

BBQ SC 1Remember the CCC?

Try thinking of the KKK.

Fifteen years after David Duke urged CCC members at South Carolina’s Clemson University to fight for their “white genes,”  Governor Nikki Haley has accepted public support from a white nationalist hate group, and selected Roan Garcia-Quintana of Greenville  as a co-chair of her re-election campaign committee.

Garcia-Quintana is a lifetime member and current board member of the Council of Conservative Citizens (CCC), the successor to the  the old White Citizens Councils founded after the Federal Government stepped in to desegregate the South and the letters “KKK” became an epithet. Today’s CCC  supports white nationalism, resurgence of the Confederacy,  and white separatism.    The CCC website  has published pictures comparing pop singer Michael Jackson to an ape and referred to blacks as “a retrograde species of humanity.”

The relevance to other stories on THE Ave about South Carolina and to the politics of any Jew living in that state should be clear. Of course  South Carolina’s great Senator,  Strom Thurmond, remained an active member and/or gave speeches to the organization. Strom Thurmond remained in the CCC until he retired in 2002.  His son, Paul Thurmond, now represents my brother and sister in the South Carolina Senate.

The CCC has also been successful in seeing that racist flag of the confederacy, the stars and bars, still flies in front of the state capital  Their own racist intent is very clear.  In 1997, several members of the CCC attended an event hosted by France’s far right National Front party. The delegation presented the leader of the Front with  a  Confederate flag, which had been flown over the South Carolina state capitol building.   The Council of Conservative Citizens held demonstrations in defense of their flag as a response to the NAACP’s calling for the flag to come down.  Finally, out of fear of boycotts by led by the NAACP, the CCC endorsed a compromise that led to the flag’s coming down and being placed in front of the statehouse on the Confederate Soldier statue.

The Anti-Defamation League describes the Council of Conservative Citizens as a white supremacist organization and a threat to Jews. The  Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) describes the CCC as a “neo-confederate movement”.

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  1. William Quick #

    What in the world does this have to do with the stated purpose of your blog (see the ABOUT header, above) “The Ave is a venue for open discussion about the UW and other universities.
    motto: of campus but off campus
    Contributors to the Ave are uncensored.
    To become a Contributor, contact one of our editors. We welcome Contributors from the UW community, citizens and others interested in university education, politicians, students, and anyone committed to rational and open discussion of the many roles universities serve in our society. All rational points of view, limited only by good taste, are welcome.
    The Ave is hosted privately because Washington State law prohibits political discussion using campus facilities. We hope this means political and other community leaders will feel free to use this forum as a place to speak their minds.”

    It clearly has nothing to do with UW. It’s only meant to continue the mean-spirited vicious attacks on your siblings and their spouses.

  2. theaveeditor #

    Seems to me that politics is the essence of what any university is about! Unless, of course you want to live in China or Pakistan!

    The race hatred of South Carolina ought to be a prime issue for any Jew as we approach Passover.

  3. Roger Rabbit #

    Well, U-Dub has a department of Asian languages and studies, so why couldn’t they have a department of South Caroline languages and studies, too?

  4. theaveeditor #

    How would that be separate from the anthropology?

    I think we need a department for the study of racism.