Why is my daffy attorney a duck?

Duck LawMaybe she should be a pig!  Seems to me that lawyers have done a very good job of setting things up so they have special privileges the rest of  us do not have.

Like Orwellian pigs, lawyers seem to have conveniently discovers that society is improved for everyone if lawyers have certain, shall we say, unique privileges?

There are so many bad examples.  A number of defense attorneys have told me that they never want to know if their client is guilty. One corporate litigator, a supposed expert in intellectual property, once lectured me on how she was going to win a case … not by seeking truth but by making the legal duel so expensive that the other (less affluent) party ran out of money.

How many other citizens can get away with perjury or slander?  The sad thing is that most of our politicians arise from the attorney tribe!  Maybe I need to redraw Dotty Duck as  Sally Swine?


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