Standards For Scientists and for Generals!

Seymor Hirsch gave a frightening speech in Qatar

Hersh claims that a large part of the US military are members of fundamentalist Christian organizations, including Opus Dei.  He says that this includes generals as high as the top command and leaders of the special forces. In part this claim rests on the membership of Catholic generals in the Knights of Malta.

I have too much respect for Hersh to suggest he is making too much of this.  I suspect for many Catholics, the Knights of Malta are a social order as innocuous as the Masons.  Unfortunately, Hersh’s speech has the ring of truth.  Given mandatory religious teaching at the Air Force Academy, why wouldn’t I worry that fundamentalists have infiltrated ALL LEVELS OF THE MILITARY?

Fundamentalists claim that any disrespect for their beliefs is a form of religious prejudice.  They see no difference between their revealed truths and the objective truths of history and science.  They see it as their right to not only express these beliefs, but promote their beliefs as the facts we all must live by.

We see this in academe now as well. Fundamentalists claim to have access to the TRUTH, whether they are is the professor who claimed that his beliefs in fundamentalist Christianity ought not to factor in his appointment as the chair of astronomy in Kentucky, the role of the NIH director, a committed Roman Catholic,  in making decisions that affect all of biology, or the papacy beatifying a Pope because of a supposed miracle.  Scientists make the same claim, if we are treated equally then science … and all of the public .. will suffer.

In the speech at Qatar, Hersh claimed that these military leaders see part of their goal to replace mosques with churches.  This sounds all to real and not at all unlike the effort by the right to claim that faculty need to be replaced by people who have more balanced views of the sources of truth.

Global warming, American exceptional ism, inevitable victory by capitalism, Lysenko, Bush .. these are  the same thing.


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