WGU is stil there!

I find the editor to be an absolute moron. Lets all make dumbass claims with no sources or proof whatsoever. Here, I will make a claim that only an moron who actually thinks you can buy a degree from a regionally accredited college for $12000 will believe: The author is a very intelligent, well educated individual who thoroughly researches issues and presents them in a impeccable manner! LOL!

Sadly this is ALL I ever get from Western Governors University … troll attacks!  I have offered several of these folks an opportunity to write why they value WGU, why they believe the WGU degree will get them a job, and why they spent more at WGU tyhen they would have spent for a more prestigous degree from a WA state campus.

So far, no bite .. lots of invective. READMORE about why I consider WGU a fraud.

or read a larger discussion on WGU and similar efforts to extract money from adults who need college or university degrees.

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  1. 1

    LOL, you mad bro? FYI im not a WGU student, got my 2 masters degrees from a local private college that happens to be ranked in the top 200 colleges in the nation by US World and News, I can just spot a moron when I see one, and you sir make republicans look like god damn geniuses!

  2. 2

    FYI, YOU made the claim that only someone as dumb as you would believe, Im just showing how freaking stupid you are. Its the same manner of pointing out how stupid Todd Akin is with his rape comment, except I think Akin has a few IQ points on you sadly…

  3. hoob #

    The thing about WGU is that most of their programs require the students to have past college experience or experience in their degree field. Often, this indicates that the student has had the college experience and didn’t find it doable for whatever reason. So they pursued an avenue that could get them what they need. For instance, I can’t personally attend school on a set schedule as my job has me traveling and working various hours. WGU allows for that and only insists upon continued progression (at a minimum set rate) per 6 months. I looked for other IT degrees from Washington State colleges that could accommodate my schedule and I couldn’t find any. Also, part of the education is getting a number of industry certifications that are highly sought (CCNA et al) which lends validity to the diploma immediately. I would love to go to a 4 year college, live with my buddies, have the whole college experience – unfortunately I didn’t get that opportunity and so this seems like the best way to get the degree that I need to move up in the company I’m at now. And don’t fool yourself too much – Many college graduates don’t get much out of the traditional colleges. Traditional experiences might provide the opportunity to receive great instruction and insight (no question), however for someone who has self-taught for quite some time and been successful with it – I have that same opportunity from the numerous authors I read to glean the same insights – It’s really up to me.

  4. theaveeditor #

    The thing about this sort of comment from a WGU student, is that for all the comments I have gotten only ne was apparently form a real person willing to leave a real email. This “student” claims his email is “[email protected].” Try it .. see what happens? My impression is that WGU employs hacks who write this stuff!

  5. hoob #

    I can see why you might think that, but it’s incorrect. I don’t publish my email address on internet forums. Everything I wrote is true from my point of view. Just reverse lookup my IP address and you’ll clearly see I’m posting from my job right now and was posting from home earlier. I really have no need to argue this point, except that I’d rather not have public bashing of the degree I’m going to get. Back to work 🙂

  6. theaveeditor #

    Thank you for the response.

    I admire your self determination to complete programs of independent study. I have actually done a lot of that myself. I am also self taught in several fieldsFor example, I have taught photography and navigation, although I do not hold degrees in these subjects. I ma slo currently teaching myself linear algebra.

    Having some mechanism to certify what you or I teach ourselves IS very important. However, it is not the same as wortking with faculty to achieve a degree. Society and emplyers use your degrees as a way of assuring that YOU have been evaluated by competent faculty. In that sense, as far as I can tell, the “WGU” degree is just a piece of paper that certifies you have passed some on line courses at a pass fail level.

    I do not say this lightly. What I have written is factual. Here ARE some facts, if you can show how they are flase, have at it!

    1. WGU does not have faculty to teach subject matter.

    In effect. except for it’s teacher’s programs that depend on internships REQUIRED for teacher’s licensees, WGU is a clearing house for online certificates … something very different from what any employer expects when he or she hires a graduate. A Microsoft certiciate YOU earn is a very good thing, but adding the imprint (and cost) of a WGU degree means nothing to an employer.

    2. WGU’s courses are not graded. Instead it calls its pass fail system “competency.” Why should anyone hire you because WGU, with NO faculty, decides you are competent? In the real world we evaluate people against each other. Schools like the UW or even Phoenix, are evaluated be employers who know that the faculty’s opinions matter. Employers get to choose not based on pass fail but on grades or other forms of evaluation. Would you really hire a WGU IT person when you can hire someone from Bellevue College who has had to compete for her degree and can give you personal recommendations? What “professor” would you email at WGU to find out if an applicant knew his stuff?

    3. WGU’s claim to be non profit is a stretch of the public’s credulity. Of course as a non profit, WGU avoids taxes. While registering as a “non profit,” WGU pays its founder and, I suspect its other administrators, huge salaries and allows them to earn even more from the companies that supply these online training materials. If WGU were subject to the same rules as a public university, the administration would not be allowed to use WGU to enrich their own wallets this way.

    4. Unlike any other university I know of (including the for profit Phoenix University, WGU does not have qualified, credentialed faculty to oversee its curricula. Again, WGU relies instread on the commercial onl;ine products being enough.

    5. WGU refuses to publoish data on the usccess rate of its students .. either in terms of graduation nor, more importantly, employment.

  7. hoob #

    1. In fact the degree does mean something to employers – case in point, mine. And you are correct they do not have faculty, but again, the courses are written by people that could teach or have taught in other schools. The only difference is that you aren’t getting taught directly. So your questions aren’t bounced off the professor, but instead peers. That could be bad, but more often than not that’s what happens in traditional schooling as well.

    2. WGU passes you based on what they’ve found to be the typical competency level in the subject you’re taking. So you are basically being evaluated against others. Now, it’s true, I do not know how they determine the competency of others, but there is a process.
    And yes I would hire someone from WGU or Bellevue because they are essentially the same. Both schools will require you pass industry certifications and that’s what the industry actually looks at (I’m talking IT). What professor would you email at WGU? I don’t know… do jobs typically email professors to ask about individual students?? Maybe some do, right after the kid graduates, but they certainly don’t 5-10 years down the road… which is pretty much where I’m at.

    3. I don’t know how that’s relevant to this discussion… but ok. Regardless, it’s easily the cheapest solution I could find. $6k a year is not hurting me any.

    4. That may be true, but they are accredited and therefore do have to meet those standards.

    5. Ok… you draw the worst assumption out of that. Maybe some don’t do well, but most people going there I assume are already working (like myself) and so I imagine there’s a pretty high rate of employment.

    I need the degree to move around in my company. I’ve already proven myself and could stay in the job I’m in now and retire very well off. But I’m not satisfied with that so now I need some paper saying that someone else agrees that I’m qualified. WGU can give me that and I can study some things I’ve been meaning to and get a bunch of industry certifications that I can put to good use.

    I can agree with your take when it comes to fields like teaching. I don’t think an online college would be the ideal setting for someone learning how to teach. However, in my scenario, I believe it is ideal and again would prefer if you could open up a little and understand that your generalizations are simply that. I, in fact, have little other choice – my schedule simply does not permit a traditional school.

    I’ve made my arguments. I would much rather have gone to UW, no doubt. I couldn’t and I can’t. This is what’s going to work for me and I’m certainly learning as I go through it. I can point out many college graduates that stumble and bumble like they just got out of grade school – So I’m not a real believer that your degree says much at all about you except that you probably got spoon fed all the way through. No doubt there are great minds in colleges and that come out of it, but someone who teaches themselves shows a true determination that is what many employers desire.

    Done arguing – Hope you can see some validity in what I said.

  8. John Fitzgerald #

    HAHAHA, you expect this moron to know how to do a reverse lookup on your IP? LOL, this moron editor doesnt even know what an IP address is! My lord, theres Romney dumb, then theres theaveeditor dumb!

  9. theaveeditor #

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  10. theaveeditor #

    and of course …

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