“At the inaugural prayer service, the Right Rev. Mariann Budde, the Episcopal bishop of Washington, made a direct appeal to President Donald Trump to have mercy on the LGBTQ+ community and undocumented migrant workers.
“Referencing Trump’s belief that he was saved by God from assassination, Budde said, ‘You have felt the providential hand of a loving God. In the name of our God, I ask you to have mercy upon the people in our country who are scared now.’
“When he returned to the White House, Trump was asked about the sermon. ‘Not too exciting, was it?’ the president said as he walked with staff toward the Oval Office. ‘I didn’t think it was a good service. They could do much better.’ Read story here.
When he took the oath of office, Trump refused to place his hand on the Bible. Read that story here. Maybe he was afraid touching it would exorcise his many demons.
Inexplicably, millions of Americans somehow believe Trump was chosen by God to lead our country, and represents Christian values. Evangelicals are one of Trump’s core constituencies. Franklin Graham, son of legendary evangelist Billy Graham, is a fervent Trump supporter. So are many prominent megachurch pastors.
Trump’s greed, dishonesty, racism, and cruelty are dead opposite to Christian teachings, so what the hell are these people thinking? I’m pretty sure Jesus wouldn’t approve.