Stupid governor brings tiger to football game

Who makes a tiger ride all the way from Florida to Louisiana, a trip of 704 miles (I looked it up), to pace in a cage before 100,000 screaming football fans? Louisiana’s stupid Republican governor that’s who.

LSU discontinued this sordid practice years ago. The school owns a mascot tiger, but refuses to bring it to games, because it’s not good for the tiger. So someone, apparently at the governor’s urging, resorted to a Rent-A-Tiger from this outfit, whose owner piles up federal violations.

Do you think this or any GOP politician cares about the poor tiger’s welfare? It’s hard enough trying to get them to care about the welfare of human beings.

By the way, a survey showed 90% of the public thought this was a terrible idea. (So why do they elect this guy?) Read story here.

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