What’s behind Melania Trump’s support for abortion?

It “could have the effect of softening her husband’s image on abortion, something [he’s] sought to do as the issue has emerged as a potential game changer in the presidential race.” Therefore, reasonable people can be skeptical of her sincerity and see it as a gambit to help her husband.

A story in The Hill (here) says that, while her abortion stance “might have more to do with [her] own brand” than getting her husband elected again, “it also provides an opportunity for the Trump campaign to try to convince voters that he won’t be an extremist on abortion in office.”

Yeah, right. Keep in mind that if he’s elected, she won’t be president, he will; and he, not she, will determine a second Trump administration’s policies on abortion. Also keep in mind that Trump is a liar, and tells people what he thinks they want to hear, not what he intends to do.

Given that his party is dead-set against abortions, do you really believe he won’t sign any attack on reproductive rights that a Republican Congress passes? I wouldn’t bet the ranch on that.

Trump has tried to parse that. Last week, on Fox News, he proclaimed, “I said ‘you have to stick with your heart.’ I’ve said that to everybody, you have to go with your heart. There are some people that are very, very far right on the issue, meaning without exceptions, and then there are other people that view it a little bit differently than that.”

C’mon, do you really believe that? Then I’ve got a bridge to sell you, and some hurricane-flooded swampland, too. Donald Trump has no heart or compassion. His prior administration separated migrant children from their families and kept them in cages.

What about Melania? To see into her soul, you only have to read what she scrawled on her jacket: “I REALLY DON’T CARE, DO U?” Having married a man who only cares about himself, the notion that she cares about millions of women she’s never met defies belief.

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