Don’t elect Carrie R. Kennedy to Washington’s legislature

Carrie R. Kennedy (photo, right; profile here) is an Oath Keeper who ran for Congress in 2022, finishing 6th in the primary (see results here), and is running for a legislative seat in 2024 in a district that includes Whidbey Island.

Although she eked out a weak second place in the primary and is on the November ballot, this is a Democratic district. She won’t be elected, and shouldn’t be.

I’ll skip her skimpy qualifications and go straight to the heart of the matter: In 2021, she tweeted that U.S. Rep. Eric Swalwell (R-CA) “should be front of a firing squad for your treason.” This should disqualify her from public office. There has to be an end to talk of political violence.

Legally speaking, this idiot doesn’t know what “treason” is. The Constitution (Art. III, Sec. 3) defines it as “levying War against” the United States, or “adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort.” That’s it, nothing else qualifies. For further discussion, see article here. She calls herself a “Constitutionalist” but doesn’t know what’s in the Constitution.

This is also a case of a pipsqueak disparaging her betters. Carrie R. Kennedy has a two-year degree from a community college and has worked as an administrative assistant. Swalwell has a law degree from the University of Maryland and before entering politics was a deputy district attorney prosecuting criminals.

The Everett Herald blew the whistle on her violent tweet (read story here). When they asked her for comment, she denied posting it, suggested her Twitter account had been hacked, and whined to the reporter, “Anything that you do post is not going to be fair.”

But the Herald says Carrie R. Kennedy “confirmed her Twitter accounts have been banned multiple times,” and she “has a long history of problematic comments on social media.” Among other things, the Herald says, “Kennedy has posted she is an Oath Keeper and supports other militia groups, including the Proud Boys.”

Voters, don’t touch this nitwit with a pole.

I’m not done with her yet. Back in July, when the La Conner Weekly News profiled the District 10 legislative candidates before the primary, this is what she told them about herself:

“I’ve led an honorable life … to accomplish positive and honest results, being the best American and person I can be.”

No. You’re a dishonorable person who supports the Jan. 6, 2021, attempt to violently overthrow our government; and if that’s the best you can do, don’t go around calling yourself a “best American.”

“I am not a politician, do not know all this position will entail …”

Another reason not to elect you. If you don’t know what a job is, you’re not qualified for it.

“I will be honest …”

You’ve already been dishonest in many ways. You called the 2020 election “stolen,” which it wasn’t, and you lied to the reporter by denying calling for a congressman to be killed, when that was posted to your account and you’ve produced no evidence your account was hacked.

When asked who won the 2020 election, she replied,

“Donald J. Trump was sustainably ahead the evening of Nov. 3, 2020. What really happened, the honest truth of that election is still not known but it was not an honest election, in my opinion!”

Apart from the consideration that election deniers shouldn’t be elected to public offices, this reveals an inability to think, process facts, and make informed judgments.

Yes, we know what really happened: Trump took an early lead because Republican votes were counted first. He told his supporters to vote at polling places, and many states count those votes before counting mail-in votes. Also, urban areas take longer to report because they have more votes to count. Mail-in and urban votes favored Biden.

She’s implying those votes shouldn’t have been counted. This isn’t original to her; many Republican election deniers have taken a similar tack. That argument is unfair to those voters, undemocratic, and deeply offensive. Every legal voter is entitled to have their vote counted.

That’s another reason why voters can’t trust Carrie R. Kennedy.

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