Why is Justice Alito taking gifts from a German bigot?

Supreme Court justices can’t be fired.

Congress can impeach and remove them for bad behavior, but that requires bipartisan cooperation.

A few decades ago that was possible; but today’s Republican Party is so dysfunctional, and so invested in the blatantly partisan decisions of the worst Supreme Court since before the Civil War, that Clarence Thomas and Sam Alito are getting away with shocking corruption.

I didn’t know Germany still has royalty. Technically, it doesn’t. Wikipedia says (here),

“Today, German nobility is no longer conferred by the Federal Republic of Germany (1949–present), and constitutionally the descendants of German noble families do not enjoy legal privileges. Hereditary titles are permitted as part of the surname (e.g., the aristocratic particles von and zu), and these surnames can then be inherited by a person’s children.”

So, it appears that German Princess Gloria von Thurn und Taxis (photo, above) is a “princess” in name only, and from inheritance at birth, having done nothing to earn it. Her parents didn’t have much money, but she fixed that by marrying a billionaire 34 years older than her, who croaked 34 years ago (read her bio here).

Princess Gloria, as she’s known, is an anti-LGBQT bigot and racist who supports Germany’s far-right, climate-denying AfD Party (read about it here).

Why did she give Justice Alito $900 of concert tickets, and why did he take them, especially from someone like her? And why is she meddling in American judicial politics? Good questions, no answers. (Read story here.)

All I can say is, people are known by the friends they keep, and Thomas and Alito have dubious friends. But then, they’re dubious judges, too.

Too bad we can’t fire both of them and get people in those jobs who understand the Constitution is a social contract between today’s generations, which must be adapted to today’s needs, and not the 18th-century leg irons these reactionary judges are turning it into with their socially-destructive rulings on issues like guns and immunity for criminal presidents.

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