Trump’s predictions if he loses

Here’s what will happen if Trump loses the 2024 election, according to him:

  1. “The quality of life is going to collapse”
  2. There will be a “bloodbath for the country”
  3. There will be a 1929-style stock market crash
  4. Christians will have to vote again (which is bad)
  5. Everyone will have health care (which is bad)
  6. “Every one of you will be gone”
  7. Immigrants will take “black jobs”
  8. There may be no more elections
  9. The U.S. will be “finished”
  10. He will flee to Venezuela

(Read details here.) I kinda like the last one, and I’ll take my chances with the others. If Trump loses, #7 will happen, because an immigrant* will be taking a “black job,” which is what the presidency was before Trump go it.

* The National Federation of Republican Assemblies didn’t call Kamala Harris an “immigrant” using that words. In fact, it’s not totally clear whether they consider her a slave, or merely a foreigner. Their argument is based on the 1857 Dred Scott decision, which ruled that descendants of slaves can’t become U.S. citizens. Her mother came from India, her father from Jamaica, so she’s not descended from U.S. slaves. So their argument must be that as a child of immigrants, even though born in California, she can’t be a citizen. See story here.

Be that as it may, if she wins the election, she’ll be president just the same. So I guess we’ll just have to flout the NFRA’s interpretation of the Constitution, which isn’t legally binding on anyone, including them. As for why Trump would flee to Venezuela, a collapsing country run by an avowed socialist who’s probably a closet communist, that’s probably because Venezuela doesn’t have an extradition treaty with the U.S., and Trump has already been convicted here of 34 felonies with more coming.

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